Monday- Presentation Work Day
Tuesday- Presentation Work Day
Wednesday- Presenttions Started
Group 1
Aquring Alaska and Hawaii-
- March 30, 1867
- Treaty with Russia
- Treaty approved April 9
- Territory- 1912
- State- January 3, 1959
- $7,200,000
- 49th state
- 1830's- Sugar industry introduced
- Many treaties with the US
- American sugar planters took over Hawaiian affairs
- Rover Cleavland- Treaty
- 1898- Congress aproved Hawaii's annexation
- 1959- Hawaii was part of US territory and made 50th state
Nobel Peae Prize-
- December 10, 1906
- Negotiations between Russia and Japan
- Unable to collect it in Norway
- Donated the prize money
Group 2
Pancho Villa-
- Durango, Mexico
- Worked on Farms
- Took over household
- Mexican General
- Became an outlaw
- Leader of Calvary
- Govenor of Chihuahua
- 1900's- Killed 30+ Americans
Group 2- (Continued)
Pancho Villa- (Continued)
- January 1916
- Executed 16 US citizens
- Escaped into mountains
- March 1916
- 17 Americans Killed
- 1923
- Killed
- Adolfo de la Hueta took over power
Mexican Revolution-
- Initial Goal
- End Dictatoriship of Diaz
- Resigned after 30 years of Dictatorship
- End Dictatoriship of Diaz
Tampico Affair-
- Americans worked in oil fields
- We had thought we were on good terms with Mexico
- Mexican soilders held US sailors at gun point
- US Sailors were going to put up oil
- The US Sailors were put into jail
- Released shortly after
- Invasion of Veracruz
Group 3-
Assassination of William McKinley-
- Joined the military is 1861
- Joined Congress afterwards
- 1901- Killed by an anarchist
- Would have survived until gangrene settled in
- Died 8 days later
- Would have survived until gangrene settled in
- Leon Frank Czolgosz killed McKinley
- Steel Mill worker before killing
- McKinley was sceduled to visit the Pan American Exposition
Building of the Panama Canal-
- 1870's- French attempted to build a passage
- 1902- US purchased French assets
- Panama declared Independence from Columbia
- US basically paid Panama to declare independence
- May 4th- started construction
- Was to be 50 miles long
- French left machinary
- US had to repair what they left
- Diseases-
- Yellow Fever and Malaria
- How they fought them
- Standing Water
- Got rid of Mosquitos
- Oil
- Sprayed onto standing water
- Screens on Windows
- Helped to keep bugs
- Standing Water