11-12/11-16 Notes

Monday- Work day for project

Tuesday- final work day for project


Spanish American War

-Causes of the War

- Yellow Journalism american newspaper lied to the americans

- Americans felt bad for Cuba and helped them out

- General Weyler and his concentration policy came out sent thousands of cubans, a third of the cuban population had been forced in the concentration camps

- Causes of the war

- The United States declared war on Spain after the U.S. warship exploded

- Cubans wanted to become independent

- Trade with cuba started to decrease and United States had a lot of money invested into Cuba buisnesses

- Jose Marti- came over to the United States to try to get people to come with him and to go after Spain.

-Major Battles

- Kettle Hill

- San Juan Hill

Sun Juan Hill

- July 1st 1898 and most significant U.S. land victory

- Rough riders lead the way 

July 1,1998 goal was to capture Santiago de Cuba

- The Hill had a strong Blockhouse 750 defenders and general linares

Rough Riders

-Theodore Roosevelt

- African American Buffalo Soliders US 35 dead Spanish 58

Important Leaders- Roosevelt

- Organized the first US volunteer Cavalry

Went through 23,000 applications

- Group of players, hunters, cowboys and Native Americans - rough riders

Lenoard Wood

- Govenor General of Phillipines

- Military Govenor of cuba

- Commanded the rough riders

William T Sampson

- United States Navy

- Known for Santiago de cuba victory

- Major Fronts

- Carribean and the Phillipines

- Indiana Iowa Masschussets Oregon four new battleships more powerful than spanish ships in Phillipines

- U.S. won the war/ Cuba Guam, Puerto Rico and Phillipines

Naval Power and 4 months of war

Ended the war Treaty of Paris

Paid 20 million for Phillipines

- U.S. have military bases on Cuba/goverment we can see fit

- Ambassador of London told roosevelt splendid little war

- Typhoid fever 87% total deaths obtained from food/water

- 375 died

- U.S. first overseas empire

- annexation of Hawaii/ understaffed and lacked training

- wealthier and newly built navy

- War started out just about cuba

- Enrique Dupay de Lome

- Wrote a letter to someone else but it was intercepted by the united states. Mckinely is weak, wants war and a low politician, whatever leaders tell you to do


Foreign Policy

- He saw little intrest in foreign affairs when he got into office.

- He wanted to focus on domestic issues more than foreign issues

- Sae relationships between foreign and domestic policies

Solving diffrent problems with countries

-Wilson's idea of the United States to deny and recongize any Latin Americans viwed as hostile 

- wanted to help the non hostile countries on a christian based term

- Avoided dictatorship

- Promote democracy/ unwritten addition to the Monroe Doctrine

-International negotations backed by the threat of force

- Speak softely and carry a big stick

- Represent the United States

- Was to carry the President Roosevelts foreign policy

- Was to use in the construction of Panama Canal and Russo-Japan War

Dollar Diplomacy

- A form of American foreign policy and give them loans and made to foeign policies

- President William Howard Taft term

-President Theodere Roosevelt laid out the foundation for this approach in 1904 with roosevlets corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

-The Roosevelt Collary-

- It was an additon to the Monroe Doctrine

- The US would use force to protect intrests in Latin America

Panama Canal

- Railroad was the only thing connecting the oceans in panama

- Was deystroyed by Chagres River

- The French attempted to build the canal but lost many lifes and gave up on the expedition

- America wanted the canal

- Panama left with the help of America's Navy and gave America the canal and the French 40 million dollars for its machinery

- Roosevelt talked to the columbian goverment about building the canal, then america talked about a treaty but they didn't want to deal with the united states

- Construction was started in 1903 finished in 1914

- The canal is about 48 miles long

- The canal has a water lock system that acts as massive elevator

- It usually takes about 8 hours to from the ship to cross the lake

- The canal 375 million

- 10 million to panama and 40 million was paid to the french Company


Mckinley was born January 29,1843 in Niles Ohio

After the panic of 1893 led to ecnomic depression

- Mckinley won the republican vote

- He ran agianst William Jennings Bryan

- He won the popular vote by 600,000 votes and was the biggst win in 25 years he also won the 1/3 of the electoral vote

- Soon after mckinley took office The Dingley Tarrif Act was passed supported by marine Congressman Nelson Dingley

- Mckinley reelection and assination

- Ran against Bryan again 

- Mckinley ran on an imperalism platform and relected with a bigger win than 4 years

- His toured ended in Buffalo, New York  where he gave an speech on Septemeber 5th in front of 50,000 people at the Pan American Exposition

- Mckinley was standing in the rececing line at the expostition unemployed detriot mill worker shot mckinely

- Leon Czlogsoz 

-1873-1901 Born in detriot parents were immigarnats so he moved a lot

- 1893 he worked in a wire mill  in cleavland

- Wages were cut and he was fired and blacklised for going on a failed strike

- Led to hatred towards capitalism

- He began focusing on the inequality between upper and working class 

- In 1898 he quit his job and moved to his family's farm

- He developed a facinsation with radical works and anachrist gaetino Bresci

- He attended  several lectures given by Emma Goldman about anachry

- He had heard Mckinley would be in Buffalo, New york so he went to Buffalo 

- He rented a room and he attended the Pan American Exposition 

- He had shot him in the chest as he hid the gun and Mckinley died eight days later

- He supported anarchist he didnt want a goverment

- He believed that was the cause of what he believed to be a corrupt goverment and wanted to help the working class

- He allegedly got the idea from a speech by Emma Goldman at the Franklin Club

- He was arrested on the spot

- He was tried and convicted of murder in two days

- He was excuted using the eletric chair on October 29th 1901

- His final words " I killed the president because he was the enemy of good people"


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