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11/19 - 11/23

Monday - 

Ch. 6--Ancient Rome--500 BCE-500 CE

Milliarium Aureum (Translates to golden milstone)

The Story of Romulus and Remus (legend of why Rome is named Rome)

Why did Rome end up being the place of the next great civilization in the West? (Location)


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11-19 to 11-23

Monday- Presentation of Spanish American War. War started because the U.S had mistakenly thought that the Spanish had destroyed one of their ships. Filipinos had fought against Spanish rule. For 10 years they fought but to no avail. Jose Marti was co

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November 11th- 19th



A form of government where one person has total power over the country.(Example-Hitler)


A government where a small number of people such as wealthy landowners, royalty or powerful military figures rule.(Exa

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Monday- dictatorship and oligrachy- dictatorship- form of government where one person has total power . examples- hitler, kim john un, adolf hitler. oligarchy- governement where small numbers of people rule. like wealthy landowners, royalty, or power

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11/19/18-Today we finished the group projects

Dictatorship-A form of goverment where one person has total power over the country

Oligarchy-A governement where a small number(wealthy landowners, royalty, powerful military leaders) of people rule



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