11/12/18-Today we talked about our forum post leaders, and did the class quizz for the Northern part of Canada, and worked on our group projects
11/13/18-Today we worked on our group projects and had the Canada Map test
11/14/18-Today we started out group projects
Absolute Monarcy-Rule by one person usally King or Queen who action are not restricted by law
Constitutional Monarcy-A government that is ruled by a King or Queen but power is limited by a constitution
11/15/18-Today we talked about the Dixie Shanaha case that happened
11/16/18-Today we watched the current news, and finished the group projects up
Communism Theory-It is a politcal and economic theory where the lower class take over the rich and there and no leader and no private property
Communism Practice-There is one leader who is in control of almost everything