M O N D A Y -
Work day
T U E S D A Y -
Work day
W E D N E S D A Y -
Spanish American War-
- Americas support of the ongoing struggle by Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish war
- General Weyler and his concentration camps (Spanish general was putting cubans)
- Yellow Press (press (kind fake news)) would lie to American public so people would want war with Spain
- US declared war, after US warship exploded
- Cuba wanted to become independent
- Protect national honor
- Kettle Hill
- San Juan Hill
- These two battle happend on the same day
- Group of polo players, hunters, cowboys, Native Americans, and athletes
- Put together by Teddy Roosevelt
- Was first US voluteer calvary
- Governor- General of Philippines
- Military govenor of Cuba
- Commanded rough riders
- US Navy Rear Admiral
- Best known for Santiago de Cuba Victory
*Our navy was the best, basically what made us win the war*
- US won war
- US superior navel power
- 4 months of war
- Treaty of Paris-
- Bought Philippines for $20 million
- Us military base on Cuba
- John Hay, told theodore Roosevelt it was "Splendid little war"- cleanly fought,
- 379 Died because of the war/ 4234 died from Typhoid fever/60,00 Spanish died from that fever
- US first overseas empire
- Annexation of Hawaii/join America
- Understaffed and lacked training
- Wealthier
- Newly built navy
- War started out just about cuba
T H U R S D A Y -
What tarted Wilson's foreign policy:
- Saw little interest in foreign affairs when he got into office
- Wanted to focus on domestic issues more than foreign issues
- Saw relationships between foreign and domestic policies such as:
- Solving differences or problems with two countries
- He was a progessive guy
Missionary Diplomacy:
- Idea of thr US moral responsibility to deny and recognition of any Latin American countries that is viewed as hostile
- Wilson wanted to help the non hostile ountries on a Christian based term
- "Good to us=Good to you"
- Avoided dictatorship in Latin America
- Promote democracy
- Also referred to as moral diplomacy
- Was an unwritten addition to the Monroe Doctrine
Big Stick Diplomacy:
- Inernational negotations backed by the threat of force
- "Speak softly and carr and big stick"
- Big stick was meant to represent US Military power
- Was use in the construction of the Panama Canal and Russo-Japan War
- Use to keep peace in South America
Dollar Diplomacy:
- Form of American foreign policy to further its aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries
- Use of country's finincial power to extend its international influence
- Economic Imperialism
Roosevelt Monroe Doctrine Corollary:
- Didn't allow European countries come into the western hemesphere- including South America and Central America
Panama Canal:
- Rialroad was the only thing connexting the oceans in Panama
- Railroad was destroyed by Chagres River
- French attempted to build one but gave up (bc too many died and diseases, $$$, etc.)
- Columbia didn't want us to build the canal bc they didn't want us "meddling" in Central America
- America wanted the canal
- Panama left CColumbia w help of US navy and gave America the canal and France 40 million for it's machinery
How it works:
- Construction started in 1903 and stopped in 1914
- Canal is 48 miles long
- Canal has a water lock system, acts as a massive elevator
- Once ship enters the lock, they are raised by the water until they are 85 feet above sea level
- Once ship is across Gatun Lake, enters another set of locks \
- 375 million
- 10 Million was paid to Panama
F R I D A Y-
Mckinleys background info-
- Born January 29 1843
- Became a country school teacher before civil war
- He enlisted in Union army in 1861
- Later on he earned the title of Brevent
- He returned to Ohio after the war
- Studied law and opened his own practice
- Marries Ida Saxton, had two daughters
- Both his daughters died and his wife became very sick during his political carrer
- Won praise from public for his love for her
Mckinley Election-
- After panic in 1893 it led to an economic depression
- In 1896 he won republican vote
- Won popular vote by 600,000, biggest win in 25 years
- After he took offic Dingley Tariff Act was passes
- Organized labor and allowed trusts to form an unheard rate
Reelection &Assassination
- Ran against Bryan again
- Ran on an imperialism platform
- When he went on a tour to the Western states he was shot September 6
- Guy who killed him went up to shake his hand and shot him in the chest
- Mckinley died 8 days later
- The guy who did it, did it because:
- He belived McKinley was the cause of what he belived to be a corrupt government and wanted to "help" the working class
- He allegedly got the idea from a speech given by Emma Goldman at the Franklin Club