Monday- workday for presentations
Tuesday- canada map test, and workday for presentations
- Monarchies- abosolute monarchy- rule by one person usually a king or queen. basically what they say goes, exapmples- peter the great, frederick william, thomas hobbes. constituional monarchy - a system where a country is run by a king or queen, but their power is limited by a constituion. (limited power and can't do what they want) examples- Manuel the ll, queen elizabeth the ll (still going) king charles the l, james the ll.
- Democracy- direct and representative. direct- where the people vote directly on the policy, and majority rules. representative- when people vote for representatives that have their ideas. the people don't have direct control. history of democracy- first appeared in greece. women began to have the right to vote in the late 19th century.
Thursday- went to mr kohorsts to watch the dixie shanahan trial that mr. bruns starred in.
- juniors in wisconsin are getting hate for saluting hitler in their prom photos. people are saying that they should know what it means and they should know better. the photographer is replying back with saying that the internet took it way out of proportion.
- communism practice and theory- theory- a political and econimical theory where lower classes take over the rich. no private property is owned and everyone is equal. practice- usually there is one leader that is above all everyone and controls all of wages and property and everything. everyone is equal below him expect for the dictator basically. so everyone is equally poor while the dictator is beyond rich. examples- peoples republic of china, north korea, vietnam, cuba, and the soviet union (1920-1991). the most communist country now is north korea.