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Monday-Started going over WWI weapons presentation 

Trench Warfare- the act of intrenchment in order to fight a drawn out war of attrition, 

Attrition-the act of slowly wearing down the effectiveness of an opposing enemy's army, over a generally long p

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M O N D A Y- nothing

T U E S D A Y - 

Weapons of WWI: (presentations)

  • Trenches- Holes dug, that helped sheild sides from another side for saftey. 
  • Mortars
  • Chemical Wepons- Tear gas, mustard gas, chlorine gas etc. These could blind you, give you internal b
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12/3/18 - 12/7/18


We watched a video on George W. Bush. Reveiwed what we learned Friday. Went over our WW1 Propaganda and wepons powerpoints. Poison Gas, Aircrafts, Flamethrowers, Mortars, German Trench Club, and Zeppelins were all weapons of WW1. 


We con

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Dec. 3- Dec. 7

12/3- talked about George HW Bush


  • Julius Caesar 
    • rules from 49- 44 BCE
    • Veni Vidi Vici
      • I came, I saw, I conquered
  • Gaius Julius Caesar's Resume
    • Grew up in a patrician family
    • Father died when he was 16
    • Married Cornelia in 84 BCE
    • Became the High Priest o
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December 3 to December 7

Monday- We reviewed from last week. 

We started the weapons presentation. 

Then we watched a video. 

Tuesday- We finished the presentations. 

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12/3 - 12/7


  1. depth charges - they were explosens that were pushed underground that blew up german U boats 
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Monday- Started presenting WWl weapons powerpoint and watched video 

Tuesday- Continued WWl presentation Notes

Wednesday-  Took Notes Notes WWl

Thursday- Took more notes over WWl Notes WWl

Friday- Showed our propaganda pieces 

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Monday- Women have come out over the past couple of years and said that Bush 'groped' ladies while taking pictures with them. When he sat in wheelchairs and took pictures, he would squish their butt. He was vice president of the united states for 8 y

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12-3-12-7 US History Notes


Talked about George H.W. death. How he impacted America and how he works with people very well.

Poison Gas- didn't kill anyone but it was effective in injuries

Flame throwers- helped get certain things out of the way

Mortars- are fired and aim ou

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Weekly Blogs 12/3-12/7

MONDAY- talking about George Bush


Cause - Caesar crosses the Rubicon River and brings his army with him to Rome

Effect - Civil War breaks out for 3 years


Cause - Caesar defeats Pompey and declares himsself dictator

Effect - This ends the Republi

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12/3 - 12/7

Monday - 

Gaius Julius Caesar's Resume

 - Grew up in a partrician family, father died when he was 16, married cornelia in 84 BCE, became the high priest of jupiter, After Sulla's death caesar returned to rome and went into politics, during his travel w

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Week of December 3rd to December 7th

Monday - 

Gaius Julius Caesar's Resume

 - Grew up in a partrician family, father died when he was 16, married cornelia in 84 BCE, became the high priest of jupiter, After Sulla's death caesar returned to rome and went into politics, during his travel w

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December 3rd-7th

Monday-go over maps, George H.W. Bush passing, was a navy piolit in world war 2, CIA director, vice president, ammasidor for the United Nations. Fall of the berlin wall, we won the cold war, only served one term because the economy started to go down

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12/3/18-Today we talked about the death of George H. W. Bush, went over the Asia map 

12/4/18-Today the first debate groups went and presented, went over the Asia map, and the current news

12/5/18-Today we did the second debate project, and went over t

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Monday- We reviewed from last week. 

We started the weapons presentation. 

Then we watched a video. 

Tuesday- We finished the presentations. 

Wednesday- Cause and Goals of the War


  • M- Militarism
  • I- Imperialism
  • N- Nationalism
  • E- Economic Competition
    • Coun
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