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December 10 - December 14

Monday- Wasn't in class.

We reviewed.

Zimmerman Note

  • Was a coded telegram sent by Germany
    • January 16, 1917
  • It was sent to the German ambassador in the US
  • The note was intercepted and decoded by the British cryptographers
  • The contents of the letter was given
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against illegal immigration- breaking the law, 43 million people in the usa are illegal and are taking our jobs. they know that their family is going to be torn apart so its their fault. have a higher crime rate than most people in america. do

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12-10 to 12-14

Did more propaganda slides for Monday. 

Be able to identify the countries of Europe in the War.

Be able to identify the main causes of WW1 and how they led to war. 

Be able to identify the event that started WW1.

The Archduke was assassinated as an examp

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Monday- My notes deleted and I don't remeber everything we talked about. 

We reviewed.

Zimmerman Note

  • Was a coded telegram sent by Germany
    • January 16, 1917
  • It was sent to the German ambassador in the US
  • The note was intercepted and decoded by the British c
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