MONDAY- talking about George Bush
Cause - Caesar crosses the Rubicon River and brings his army with him to Rome
Effect - Civil War breaks out for 3 years
Cause - Caesar defeats Pompey and declares himsself dictator
Effect - This ends the Republican system of government in Rome
Julius Caesar Ruled 49-44 BC VENI. VIDI. VICI - I saw. I came. I conquered
(Gaius Julius Caesar's Resume)
-grew up in a partrician family
-father died when he was 16
-married Cornelia in 84 BCE
-became the High Priest of Jupiter
-there was a Civil War in Rome and the person Caesar backed lost
-due to this, Caesar joined the military to hide from Sulla, the new dictator
-fought in Asia & Cilicia
-After Sulla's death, Caesar returned to Rome and went into politics
-During his travels, was captured by pirates
-Became Govenor of Spain, a Roman province in 61-60 BCE
-Slits the pirates throat
-In 60 BCE, Julius Caesar joined forced with Crassus, a wealthy Roman, and Pompey, a popular general
-With their help, Caesar was elected Consul in 59 BCE
-for the next 10 years, these 3 men dominated Rome as a triumvirate, a group of three rules
-was known as the First Triumvirate
-doesn't do well because of jealousy
-after being Consul for one year, became Govenor of Gaul
-Caesar's power and popularity concerned Crassus and Pompey back in Rome
First Triumvirate Falls Apart
-Crassus was killed in a battle in Syria so he was out of the picture
-Pompey became jealous of Caesar's power and popularity so the Senate ordered Caesar to disband military and return to Rome to face trial
-Caesar refused and instead crossed the Rubicon River in 49 BCE and attacked Pompey's troops
-Pompey feld to Spain and then Greece where Caesar's troops defeated him
-Pompey was able to escape and fled to Egypt where he was killed
-Caesar returned to Rome with support from the people and the military and became dictator 46 BC
-In 44 BC, Caesar was named dictator for life
Caesar and Cleopatra in Egypt 47 BCE
-Caesar arrived in Egypt and was not happy that they had killed Pompey
-Caesar declared martial law and took ovver the palace and deposed Ptolomey XIIII (Ptolomey 1 became the first Greek ruler of Egypt in 323 BCE)
-He ordered Cleopatra VII back to the throne, aligned with her and defeated the Egyptians in 47 BCE in the Battle of the Nile River
-Cleopatra VII was the last Egyptian leader before Rome took it over
-Cleopatra and Caesar would have a song together Ptolemy Caesar (known as Caesarion)
-Cleopatra proclaimed him her heir and successor to the Roman throne
-Not something that Caesar did as he amed is grandnephew his successor
Caesar as Dictator
-served just a year before he was assassinated
-granted roman citizenship to many people in the provinces
-gave land to the poor
-expanded the senate, adding friends and supporters from Italy and other regions
-helped the poor by creating jobs, especially through the construction of new public buildings
-started colonies where people without land could own property
-increased pay for soldiers and helped veterans get land
-abolished the tax system
-help rebuild Carthage as a Roman colony
-reformed the roman calendar
Why was he killed? didn't want him to become King, upsetting the rich
Julian vs Gregorian Calendar
-the Julian calendar was the calendar from 46 BCE to 1582 CE when the G. Calendar took it's place
-The G Calendar was introduced and anmed after Pope Gregory
Julian (365.25) Gregorian (365.2422)
Caesar's Assassination 44 BCE
-due to the helping the middle & lower class, Caesar made enemies with the wealthy class including many in the Senate
-many were scared that Caesar wanted to be KING
-Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus were the two that killed Caesar - stabbed 23 times as many as 60 conspirators
After Julius Caesar
Octavian = Caesar Augustus = Augustus AKA Caesar Augustus "the illustrious one"
The Second Triumvirate 43 BCE - 33 BCE
-Octavian, Marc Antony, and Lepidus ruled Rome for 10 years
-Civil War broke out after Caesar's death with Octavian winning
-eliminate enemies and anyone involved in Caesar's assassination (Brutus, Cassius, Pompeius)
-Triumvirate fell apart eventually due to jealous and violence
-Octavian forced Lepidus to retire after insulting him
-Octavian went to war against Marc Antony
-Octavian defeated Antony/Cleopatra in the Battle of Actium in 31 BC
-Marc Antony vs Octavian
Interesting Facts
-Was a guest in Rome for several years as Julius Caesar's guest and won over the Roman people with her beauty and charm
-once Octavian and Marc Antony defeated Caesar's killers, they split the Roman Republic in 2-Octavian took Rome and Antony took Egypt
1. Antony was married to Octavian's sister, Octavia. Octavian not pleased. Antony divorces Octavia.
2. Octavian was concerned that Antony and Cleopatra want to take over Rome
-Antony proclaimed many things in his will but one was that Caesarion was the rightful heir to Julius Caesar and not Octavian
-These issues led to war between Octavian and Antony
-Octavian decided to attack first and defeated Antony and Cleopatra's
-Antony and Cleopatra were able to escape but then committed suicide instead of being captured
-Octavian had Caesarion strangled as well as Antony's oldest son
-Octavian was now the lone ruler of Rome and it's Empire
-He decided to act like he wanted to allow the Republic to continue
-Senated loved this and gave him the name "Augustus"
-He was given the supreme power to rule the Rome Empire and became the first emperor of Rome
Augustus and the Roman Empire
-Augustus would usher in the "Pax Romana" which means "Roman Peace"
-Period of time where Rome was at it's peak and the economy, arts, and agriculture flourished
Augustus Acomplishments
-stabilize the frontier
-created a system of government that survived for centuries
-set up civil sevices within Rome (Paid workers to manage the affairs of government)
-made adultery illegal
-tax incentives for families with 3 or more children
-glorified Rome with awesome public buildings
Augustus Death
-died in 14 CE
-his adopted son Tiberius would succeed him as emperor
Roman Life
-discipline, strength, and loyalty (called gravitas)
-90% of people farmed throughout the empire
-the rich ived by conspicuous consumption (showed off their wealth)
-most people lived in poverty
-high unemployment
-lived in cramped tenements -fire common
-government provided grain every day
-struggled for survival
-Rich people lived in Domus
-Poor people lived in tenements
-slavery was a significant part of Rome
-most slaves
-men, women, children
-born into slaves - became slaves
-could do anything with slaves
-some slaves became gladiators
Gladiator Contest
-government put o nto appease the poor
-provided free of charge during holidays
-fought in the colosseum
-animal vs animal
-man vs animal
-man vs man