Monday-Started going over WWI weapons presentation
Trench Warfare- the act of intrenchment in order to fight a drawn out war of attrition,
Attrition-the act of slowly wearing down the effectiveness of an opposing enemy's army, over a generally long period of time
Mortars-Mobile weapons that can be used to supress enemy movements
Causes of WWI:
Militarism-building up your army and navy and relying on it to settle disputes
Imperialism-Africa was carved up the European Nations, and the winners wanted to get colonies from the losers, and they all went out trying to conquer foreign lands in order to better offset their economic gain
Nationalism- To have strong pride in ones country
Economic Competition-Great Britain, France and Germany (among others) were competing worldwide for colonies, natural resources, markets, money and power
System of Alliances- Coming up to WWI, countries flipped alliances and joined others, as such when Italy was allied with Germany, and switched sides, fighting on the Allied side in 1915
MINES, which is Militarism, Imperialism, Nationalism, Economic System and System of Alliances are what lead to WWI
The Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is what lead to WWI, as the pot was already boiling, and this lead tentions to ignite
after this, Austria Hungary sent and ultimatum to Serbia
the last thing Austria Hungary sent, Serbia denied, which was the deployment of investigators in their country
Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia after Germany gives them Carte Blanche
Russia mobilizes to support Serbia
Germany declares war on Russia
1. Hoped to knock Russia out of war quickly to avoid a two-fronted war
France enters war to help Russia
Great Britain enters war to help France after Germany attacks France through neutral Belgium
The Von Schlieffen-Germany's war plan- Germany would invade france through Belgium and incircle Paris, making France surrender in under a Month
Turkish Genocide of the Armenians- Armenians were Part of the Ottoman Empire, Soviet Union, Armenia became the First Christian nation in the world
In the late 1800's, the Ottoman Empire killed 1.6 Armenians because they were worried that they would join Russia and fight against them in WWI
They wated to move Armenians away from the Russian borders, and when they did, a mass slaughter ensued, and many armenians died
Many countries consider this a genocide, but also many don't
War Goals
as casualties rose and cost increased, the countries fighting this war wanted something out of WWI, which they wanted territory
France wanted land back from Germany, such as colonies from Africa and Turskish Colonies in the Middle-East
Thursday- Armenians were Christians, and they Turkmenians were Muslim, and they wanted to Turkify Armenians, which meant that some people died of dehydration while being forced to walk naked through the desert, they would let criminals kill and assault people.
The British wanted land in Africa, and Turkish Colonies if they won WWI
Italy wanted land from Austria Hungary
Russia wanted control of the Dardenella and Bosporus Straights in Turkey
Austria Hungary wanted self-preservation
Germany wanted part of france, Luxembourg and Belgium, most of western Russia and make Austria Hungary and Balkans a "sphere of influence"
Take over French and British Colonies in Africa
United States wated: to win and make the world "safe for democracy"
When WWI broke out, Wilson declared that the US would become Neutral.
Wilson: US needed to be "impartial in thought as well as in action"
US Stayed Neutral for three years
Why Did the US join the war?
US was upset with both sides of the war
-GB and Germany were both stopping U.S. ships
-Eventually, U.S. drew closer to war and the Allies
-German sinking of British/French ships and killing of U.S. citizens aboard those ships
-Germany declares unrestricted Submarine Warfare in early 1917
Sussex Pledge-President Wilson issued and Ultimatum in April 1916 that if they did not end the attack of unarmed ships, they would risk war with the U.S.
Germany issued in reply the Sussex Pledge- they promised to-end the sinking of passenger ships, search merchant ships for contraband and make provisions for passengers and crews before sinking merchant ships.
The German Guarantees were generally help up in the announcement of the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in 1917
George Creel launched a huge propaganda campaign in the U.S. to support WWI
The Committee used newsprint, posters, radios, telegraph, and movies to broadcast its message
Americanized German Words
German Measles-Liberty Measles
Hamburger-Liberty Steak
Sauerkraut- Liberty Cabbage
Major Goals of Us propaganda in WWI
enlist in the military
buy war bonds