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M O N D A Y - 


Central- germany, austria -hungary, ottoman empire (turkey)

Allies- britain, america, japan, russia, italy, france


Militarism, imperialism, nationalism, economic competition


Arch Duke Frans was killed, future k

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12/10/18 - 12/14/18


Q.1. Central Powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey (Ottoman Empire)

         Allies- US, Britain, France, Russia, Italy

Q.2. M.I.N.E.S.

Q.3. Lot of Serbians in Bulgaria when Austria-Hungary took it over.

Q.4. Most countries wanted to

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12-10 to 12-14

10th - Today reviewed part 1 and 2 for World War One. 

US was very upset with both sides in war. GB and Germany were both stopping US ships. Eventually, US drew closer to war and the Allies. The Lusitania was a British ship where German subs killed Am

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Be able to indentify the countries of Europe during WWI and what alliance they belonged to?

Be able to indentify the main causes of WWI and how they led to war

MINES acronyn, Miltiarism, Imperalism, Nationalism, Ecnomic Competition, System of Al

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Dec. 10- Dec. 14


  • Roman Religion
    • Government and religion were linked 
    • Many of the gods came form some aspect of the Greek gods
    • Among the most important Roman gods and godesses were:
      • Jupiter, father of the gods(Zeus)
      • Juno, Jupiter's wife, who watched over women(Hera)
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Weekly Blogs 12/10-12/14


Roman Religion

-government and religion were linked

-many of the gods came from some aspect of the Greek gods

-among the most important Roman Gods and goddesse were 

Jupiter (father of Zeus) Venus, Neptune, Juno, Aphrodite, Minerva

The Rise of Chri

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Week of December 10th to December 14th




  • Government and religion were linked

  • Many of the gods came from some aspect of the Greek Gods

  • Among the most important Roman gods and goddesses: Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Neptune, Venus

  • Worship of the emperor also became part of the official

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12/10 - 12/14

Monday - 

Roman Religion (Government and religion were linked, many gods camr from some aspect of greek gods, polytheistic, the emperors were thought to be decendents of gods, many many gods)

Rise of Christianity (roman gods were impersonal and was pra

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December 10th-14th

Monday-go over new map. debate over illegal immigrants

Tuesday-go over new maps. Debate over sancturay cities.

Wednesday-review maps. finish debate from yesterday. 

Thursday-go over maps. abortion debate.

Friday-current events. Trump and his wife are tar

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12/10/18-Today we went started the South America, went over the news, and did more of the debate project

12/11/18-We went over the south america map and did the second half of the debate projects

12/12/18-Today we finished the second debate, went over

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Monday:Thuong sang Over There for extra credit

Militarism-The Building up of your military and then the using of that military to settle disputes 

Nationalism-Having great pride in ones nations, especially to the point of being criminal


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Monday- We went over the power point 

Tuesday- Review some of the power point. 

Wednesday-Went over more of the power point 

Thursday-Power point and a video 

Friday-Power point and videos 

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12-3 to 12-7

Did weapon review on Monday and Tuesday.

Allied powers were Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, and the United States. 

Germany, the Ottoman Empire, Austria Hungary, and Romania were the Axis countries. 

Major powers were building up their mili

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12-3 to 12-7

3rd - Today we went over some more WW1 weapons.

4th - Absent

5th - Today I went over my WW1 weapon, the Lee Enfield. We then reviewed the test from last week.

The causes of World War One (MINES) were militarism, imperialism, nationalism, economic compet

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