Monday- We reviewed from last week.
We started the weapons presentation.
Then we watched a video.
Tuesday- We finished the presentations.
Wednesday- Cause and Goals of the War
- M- Militarism
- I- Imperialism
- N- Nationalism
- E- Economic Competition
- Countries were competing worldwide for colonies, natural resources, markets, money, and power
- S- Systems of Alliances
How did they lead to WW1?
- Boiling Point tipped after assassination
Chain of Events
- Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
- Austria-Hungary sends ultimatum to Serbia
- Serbia refuses to accept ultimatum
- Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia after Germany gives them carte blanche
- Russia mobilizes to support Serbia
- Germany declares war on Russia
- Hoped to knock Russia out of war quickly to avoid a two-fronted war? Why?
- France enters war to help Russia
- Great Britain enters war to help France after Germany attacks France through neutral Belgium
- Canteen
- Flare Gun
- Trench Club
- Knife
- Bayonet
- Grendades
- Gas Mask
- Pistol
- British Navy was the best
- Germany could do amazing underwater
- Great Britian Starved
- There weren’t any real goals at first, but as time went on and casualties and costs increased, winning territory was a must.
- France
- regain land from Germany
- cripple Germany’s military
- get German colonies in Africa
- get Turkish colonies in the Mid-East
Goals (Cont)
- Great Britain
- get German colonies in Africa
- get Turkish colonies in the Mid-East
- Italy
- wanted land from Austria-Hungary
- Russia
- Control of the Dardenelle adn Bosporus Straits in Turkey
- Access to oceans
- Control of the Dardenelle adn Bosporus Straits in Turkey
- Austria-Hungary
- Self Preservation
- Germany
- Wanted part of France
- Wanted Luxembourg and Belgium
- Wanted most of western Russia
- Make Austria-Hungary and the Balkans a “sphere of influence”
- Take over French and British colonies in Africa
- United States
- Win
- "Make the world safe for Democracy"
- End the war
- Wilson’s 14 Points
Objectives Part 2:
- Be able to identify the US policy that Wilson declared when WWI broke out in 1914
- Be able to identify why the US was drawn into war and why we drew closer to the Allied Powers
- Be able to analyze WWI propaganda
- Be able to identify the importance of key people: Woodrow Wilson, John Pershing, Bernard Baruch, Herbert Hoover, George Creel
- Be able to identify the costs of the war: US and grand total
- Be able to identify the actions we took at home to mobilize our country for war
Wildrow Wilson
- President during WWI
- Why he's known
- Failure afterwards
- Wanted to remain nuteral
- 3 years
- Progressive
- Federal Trade Commison
- 17-19th amendment
- Broke up monopolies
Causes for the US involment
- U.S. was very upset with both sides in war.
- G.B. and Germany were both stopping U.S. ship
- Eventually, U.S. drew closer to war and the Allies.
- Why?
- German sinking of British/French ships and killing of U.S. citizens on those ship
- Lusitania, Arabic, Sussex
- Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare in early 1917
- No restrictions
Sussex Pledge
- President Wilson addressed Congress in April
- Issued an ultimatum to the Germans
- End the attack on unarmed ships or risk war
- Issued an ultimatum to the Germans
- Germany promised
- End the sinking of passenger ships
- Search merchant ships for contraband and make provisons for passangers and crew before sinking the ships
- The guarantees were honored until the announcement of the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in February 1917
Friday- Propagana Assignment
Committee of Public Information
- Influence US citizens to support
- War Stamps
- Farming
- Headed by Geroge Creel
- Launched a huge progoganda campaign
- Used
- Newsprint
- Posters
- Radio
- Telegraph
- Movies
- Americanized German Words
- German Measles- Liberty Measles
- Hamburger- Liberty Steak
- Sauerekraut- Liberty Cabbge
Goals of US Propoganda
- Enlist in the Military
- Buy war bonds
- Concerve Food
- Encourage Patritotism
- Dehumanize the Enemy
- Sense of Urgency