12/3- talked about George HW Bush
- Julius Caesar
- rules from 49- 44 BCE
- Veni Vidi Vici
- I came, I saw, I conquered
- Gaius Julius Caesar's Resume
- Grew up in a patrician family
- Father died when he was 16
- Married Cornelia in 84 BCE
- Became the High Priest of Jupiter
- There was a Civil War in Rome and the person Caesar backed lost
- Due to this, Caesar joined the military to hide from Sulla, the new dictator
- Fought in Asia and Cilicia
- After Sulla's death, Caesar returned to Rome and went into politics
- During his travels, he was captured by pirates
- Became Governor of Spain, a Roman province in 61- 60 BCE
- In 60 BCE, Julius Caesar joined forces with Crassus, a wealthy Roman, and Pompey, a popular general
- With their help, Caesar was elected Consul in 59 BCE
- For the next ten years, these three men dominated Rome as a triumvirate, a group of three rulers
- Was known as the First Triumvirate
- After being Consul for one year, he became Governor of Gaul (France and Belgium) from 58- 50 BCE
- Caesar's power and popularity concerned Crassus and Pompey back in Rome
- First Triumvirate Falls Apart
- Crassus was killed in a battle in Syria so he was out of the picture
- Pompey became jealous of Caesar's power and popularity so the Senate ordered Caesar to disband military and return to Rome to face trial
- Caesar refused and instead crossed the Rubicon River in 49 BCE and attacked Pompey's troops
- Pompey fled to Spain and then Greece where Caesar's troops defeated him
- Pompey was able to escape and fled to Egypt where he was killed
- Caesar returned to Rome with support from the people and the military and became dictator- 46 BCE
- In 44 BCE, Caesar was named dictator for life
- Caesar and Cleopatra in Egypt 47 BCE
- Caesar arrived in Egypt and was not happy that they had killed Pompey
- Caesar declared martial law and took over the palace and deposed Ptolomey XIII
- Ptolomey I became the first ruler of Egypt in 323 BCE
- He ordered Cleopatra VII back to the throne, aligned with her and defeated Ptolomey XIII and the Egyptains in 47 BCE in the Battle of the Nile River
- Cleopatra VII was the last Egyptian leader before Rome took it over
- Cleopatra and Caesar would have a son together, Ptolomey Caesar (known as Caesarion)
- Cleopatra prolaimed him her heir and successor to the Roman throne
- Not something that Caesar did as he named his grandnephew his successor
- Caesar as Dictator
- Served just a year before he was assassinated
- Granted Roman citizenship to many people in the provinces
- Gave land to the poor
- Expanded the senate, adding friends and supporters from Italy and other regions
- Helped the poor by creating jobs, especially through the construction of new public buildings
- Started colonies where people without land could own property
- Increased pay for soldiers and helped veterans get land
- Abolished the tax system
- Helped rebuild Carthage as a Roman colony
- Reformed the Roman calendar
- Julian vs Gregorian Calendar
- The Julian calendar was the calendar from 46 BCE to 1582 CE when the Gregorian Calendar took its place
- The Gregorian Calendar was introduced and named after Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 and is still used today
- The difference in the average length of teh year between Julian (365.25 days) and Gregorian (365.2425 days) is 0.002%
- Caesar's Assassination 44 BCE
- Due to helping the middle and lower class, Caesar made enemies with the wealthy class including many in the Senate
- Many were scared that Caesar wanted to be king
- Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus were the two that killed Caesar- stabbed 23 times by as many as 60 consipirators
- After Julius Caesar
- Octavian=Caesar Augustus=Augustus
- Julius Caesar's adopted son who Julius picked as his heir instead of his other son. His other son was not his successor because he was part Egyptian
- Octavian=Caesar Augustus=Augustus
- The Second Triumvirate 43 BCE- 33 BCE
- Octavian (Caesar's grandnephew/adopted son), Marc Antony (a general), and Lepidus (a politician) ruled Rome for ten years
- Civil War broke out after Caesar's death with Octavian winning
- Eliminated enemies and anyone involved in Caesar's assassination
- Brutus, Cassius, Pompeius (Pompey's son)
- Eliminated enemies and anyone involved in Caesar's assassination
- Triumvirate fell apart eventually due to jealousy and violence
- Octavian forced Lepidus to retire after insulting him
- Octavian went to war against Marc Antony(Queen Cleopatra from Egypt)
- Octavian defeated Antony/Cleopatra in the Battle of Actium in 31 BCE
- Once Octavian and Marc Antony defeated Caesar's killers, they split the Roman Republic in two-Octavian took Rome and Antony took Egypt
- Antony quickly falls in love with Cleopatra(had three kids) This was a big problem because...
- Antony was married to Octavian's sister, Octavia. Octavian was not pleased. Antony divorced Octavia.
- Octavian was concerned that Antony and Cleopatra want to take over Rome
- Antony proclaimed many things in his will but one was that Caesarion was the rightful heir to Julius Caesar and not Octavian
- These issues led to war between Octavian and Antony
- Octavian decided to attack first and defeated Antony and Cleopatra's fleet in the Battle of Actium
- Antony and Cleopatra were able to escape but eventually committed suicide together instead of being captured
- Octavian had Caesarion strangled as well as Antony's oldest son
- "two Caesars are one too many"
- Octavian was now the lone ruler of Rome and it's empire
- However, he decided to act like he wanted to allow the Rupublic to continue
- The Senate loved this and gave him the name "Augustus" or "Illustrious one" or "Exalted one"
- By 19 BCE, he was given supreme power to rule the Roman Empire and became the first(and probably greatest) emperor of Rome
- Augustus and the Roman Empire- 27 BC- 14 AD
- Augustus would usher in the "Pax Romana" (27BC-180 AD) which means "Roman Peace"
- This was the period of time where Rome was at it's peak and the economy, the arts and agriculture flourished
- Augustus would usher in the "Pax Romana" (27BC-180 AD) which means "Roman Peace"
- Augustus' Accomplishments
- Stabilized the frontier
- Created a system of government that survived for centuries
- Set up civil service within Rome
- Paid workers to manage the affairs of government
- Made adultery illegal
- Tax incentives for families with three or more children
- Glorified Rome with awesome public buildings- "found Rome brick and left it marble"
- Augustus' Death
- Died in 14 CE(AD)
- His last words were either "I found Rome a city of clay but left it a city of marble" or...
- According to his wife Livia, "Have I played the part well? Then applaud as I exit"
- His adopted son, Tiberias, succeded him as emperor
- Roman Life
- Discipline, strength, and loyalty were stressed in Rome
- People had gravitas if they had these characteristics
- 90% of people farmed throught the empire
- The rich lived by conspicuous consumption
- Most people lived in poverty
- High unemployment
- Lived in cramped tenements- fires were very common
- Government provided grain every day
- They struggled for survival
- Discipline, strength, and loyalty were stressed in Rome
- Roman slaves
- Slavery was a significant part of Roman life and economy
- The Romans had more slaves than any previous civilization- 1/3 of the population
- Most slaves were conquered people and included men, women, and children
- Children born to slaves also became slaves
- Slaves could be bought and sold as they were seen as property
- They could be punished, rewarded, set free, or put to death
- Some strong slaves became gladiators
- Gladiator Contests
- Government put on entertainment to appease the poor
- Provided free of charge during holidays (150/ year by 250 AD)
- Fought in the Colosseum in ROme
- Animal vs animal, man vs animal, man vs man