
Monday- Women have come out over the past couple of years and said that Bush 'groped' ladies while taking pictures with them. When he sat in wheelchairs and took pictures, he would squish their butt. He was vice president of the united states for 8 years. he was a navy pilot in ww2, senator/congressman, ambassdor to china and the united nations, cia director. he was an extremly popular president, until bill clinton ran and he lost. every voted for clinton because the economy was going down. bush married his high school sweetheart barbara and moved to texas. he made his own oil company and started a family. most of his politics were about him making friends. 

Tuesday- we debated about gun control

Wednesday- marijuana - can be used through oils, vapes, and eaten. it has been proven it kills cancer cells, gets rid of nausea and vomiting. it can stop seizures by smoking it. recreational- relaxation, increases sense.

anti- washington, oregon and colarado are the main states that legalized it, and they have the highest car crash accident rate. they can have risks of cancer, heart attacks, overdose, hiv/aids. 

rebuttle- limits on how much you can carry, so car crashes will stay the same. you can't overdose, and there are on deathes in america from overdoses. 

other rebuttle- most abused drug in the world. part of the brain is affected when you smoke it which makes you less motivated. it can also lead to obesity. 

Thursday- confederate flag-4 out of 13 succeeding states mention slavery in why they were leaving. the civil war was about holding onto southern values, not just slavery. 55% of americans say that the flag is not racist, but the people are. it's a symbol of heritage not hate. 

anti confederate flag- it was flown to symbolize southern. slavery, segregation, and treason . people who flew the flag commited treason (went against the government) america lost 2% of the population. 


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