We watched a video on George W. Bush. Reveiwed what we learned Friday. Went over our WW1 Propaganda and wepons powerpoints. Poison Gas, Aircrafts, Flamethrowers, Mortars, German Trench Club, and Zeppelins were all weapons of WW1.
We continued to present our War weapons and propaganda slides. Trench Warfare- 3 trenches on each side. Flare gun, knife, granade, trench club, gas mask, etc. were tools used by soldiers in a trench. Sauterelle- sort of crossbow type thing that flung granades to the enemy side. Macheine guns were defensive weapons but were not mobile. Chlorine Gas was filled up in big cannisters and they lit them up and depended on the wind to carry it to the enemy trenches. Browning Auto 5- first semi-automatic shotgun.
Got our Tests back and looked over them.
Test Questions- Name some weapons on WW1. Name the two sides in WW1 and some of the countries on both sides. Identify the main causes of WW1 and how they led to war. Be able to identify the event that started WW1. Be able to identify the goals of the war for countries involved. Be able to describe what fighting was like in WW1.
Central Powers-
Allied Powers- US, Great Britain, Frace, Japan, Italy, and Russia.
Causes of WW1- M.I.N.E.S.- M- Militarism. Building up powerful armies and navies and threatening to use it to get what you want. I- Imperialism. Taking over other countries (mainly in Africa at the time). N- Nationalism- Having a strong pride in ones country. (ties into racism / gives a "we are better than you vibe".) E- Economic Competition- Great Britain, France, and Germany (along with athers) were competing worldwide for colonies, natural resources, markets, money, and power. S- System of Alliances.
Archduke of Ferdinand is assassinated. Austria-Hungary sends an ultimatum to Serbia and Serbia agreed to everything except for the allowance of police coming into the country to investigate. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia for not agreeing to everything on the ultimatum after Germany gives Austria Hungary their full support. Russia mobilized to help Serbia and back them up, which caused more countries to mobilize again.
Archduke Ferdinand was going tgo be the next King of Austria Hungary. Serbia and Austria Hungary did not like eachother because Bosnia just came under Austria Hungarian rule and Serbia did not like that. There were a lot of Serbians in Bosnia and Serbia beleived Bosnia should be apart of Serbia not Austria Hungary. Germany supports austria Hungary, France joins to back up Russia, and Great Britain backs up France after Germany attacked France.
Turkey started Massacring Armenians because Turkey was afraid they would try and fight with Russia. Ethnic Cleansing- Kind of like segregation, moving people to a different area to segregate them, but not with the intent of killing them, even though some would die along the way. Genocide- The intent of killing off another race.
War Goals ranged but a big one was winning territory. France wanted to regain land from Germany. They Wanted to cripple Germanys Military. They wanted to get German colonies in Africa. They wanted to get Turkish Colonies in the East. Russia wanted control of Straits in Turkey. Austria-Hungary was trying to get self-preservation. Germany wanted parts of France, Luxemborg, Belgium, a lot of Western Russia, Make Austria-Hungary and the Balkans a "Sphere of Influence". They also wanted to take over colonies of France and Britain in Africa.
US got involved in the war because Germany started sinking US ships and killing US citizens on them and stopping Supply ships from going to the US that carried weapons and ammunition. Sussex Pledge- US Ultimatum to Germany saying to end the attack on unarmed ships or risk war. Origionally they agreed, but then they realized they were going to lose the war unless they sunk ships carrying supplies. Because they broke their promise, the US joined the war.
Propaganda in the war was meant to enlist people in the military, buy war bonds, conserve food, and get people to help out war efforts and to enlist TODAY. We went over our propaganda.