
M O N D A Y- nothing

T U E S D A Y - 

Weapons of WWI: (presentations)

  • Trenches- Holes dug, that helped sheild sides from another side for saftey. 
  • Mortars
  • Chemical Wepons- Tear gas, mustard gas, chlorine gas etc. These could blind you, give you internal bleeding etc.
  • Zeppelin- Carried machine guns and bombs, travel 80mph, used mostly in german bombs and raids
  • Torpedoes- Shot under water by submarines, explode on contact, target shipping boats (stops shipment of weapons)
  • Lee-Enfield Rifle (SMLE)

W E D N E S D A Y- 

  • Militarism and Imperialism together = pry a war
  • Economic Competition- Want colonies/countries for money, resources etc. Great Britain, France, Germany, etc. were the countries who did this
  • System of Alliances
  • How did MINES help lead to WWI?
    • Militarism, Imperialism, Nationalism, Economic competition, System of Alliances
  • Nationalists killed Arch Duke Ferdinand because they didn't like the fact that Austria-Hungary had recently taken control of Bosnia (most people there were Serbian, and they wanted to be apart of Serbia), Serbians wanted to send a message- group of 5-6 went and try to kill him; couple got scared, somevhad failed attempts but Gavril Princip was the one who finally did it!
  • Chain of Events leading to outbreak of war**************************SUPER IMPORTANT STUFF***************************
    • Assaination
    • Austria-Hungary sends ultimatum to serbia
    • Serbia refuses ultimatum
    • Austra-Hungary declares war on Serbia after Germany gives them Carte Blanche (blank check= back them up with whatver they choose)
    • Russia mobilizes to support Serbia (MOBILATIONTION)

T H U R S D A Y -

The Von Schlieffen- Germany's War Plan:

  • Main thruts will attack through Belgium
  • Someeee troops will go through France (bc thats what they expect)
  • Surround Paris; and they will surrender in less than a month
  • Didn't work becuse Belgium put up a bigger and longer fight than they thought. And France caught onto their plan

Turkish Massacre of the Armenians:

  • Armenia is nowww an independent country
  • Armenians are Christains
    • First Christain nation of the world
  • Turks are Muslim
  • Turkey was concerned Armenias might fight w Russians against Turkey(Turkey's enemy)
  • So they started to massacre them
    • Turkification of Turkey
      • Started moving Armenians away from border of Russia (so they weren't instigators)
      • Moved them 100's of miles, walking naked
      • Raped women, killed people, burned cities
      • Allowe criminals to go at them ( push the off cliffs, drowning them in rivers)
  • Some didn't call it a genocide because 
  • In Turkey you legally can't say it's a genocide


Weren't reallygoals at first, war just happend so quick- winning territories was a must


  • Get land from Germany
  • Regain Alsace and Lorraine from Germany
  • Create an independent Rhineland to create buffer area between France and Germany
  • Cripple Germany's military
  • Get German colonies in Africa
  • Get Turkish colonies in the Mid-East

Great Britain-

  • Get German colonies in Africa
  • Get Trukish colonies in the Middle-East


  • Wanted land from Austria-Hungary

Italy switched from our allies to enemies after WWI so quickly because they felt slighted, like they weren't respected. They then came out of WWI in a major depression. 


  • Wanted control of the Dardanelle and Bosporus Straites in Turkey


  • Self preservation


  • Part of France
  • Luxembourg and Belgium
  • Most of western Russia
  • Make Austria-Hungary and the Balkans a "sphere of influence" 
  • Take over French and British colonies in Africa


  • Win and "make the world safe for democracy"


  • Neutrality: Wilson declared that US was to be nuetral when WWI broke out
  • Impartial in thought as well as in action
  • US stayed nuetral for three years


  • US was very upset with both sides in wat
    • GB and Gerany were both stopping US ships
    • Eventually US drew closer to war and the Allies
  1. German sinking of British/French ships and killing US citizens on those ships
    1. Lusitania (passanger ship)
    2. Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare in early 1917
    • Germany promised to:
      • End sinking of passenger ships
      • Search merchan ships for contraband and make proviions for passengers and crews before sinking merchant ships
      • Germans abides by it for 10 months
      • Eventually realize they're gonna lose the war if they continue to listen to it
      • They then declared unrestricted submarine warfare in early 1917


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