Talked about George H.W. death. How he impacted America and how he works with people very well.
Poison Gas- didn't kill anyone but it was effective in injuries
Flame throwers- helped get certain things out of the way
Mortars- are fired and aim out a trench or snipers nest
Trench warfare- A little dugout of dirt and its a defensive and guarding
any health issues many died and it was bordem
Lot of time was just sitting scared to death
Soliders knew they were going to die, go day to day, but told their family its a matter of time
Chemical Weapons, Tear gasses, chlorine, mustard gas, phosogen and diphosegene
Zeppelin- early part of the war, german bombing raids, cariied machine guns and bombs and it was abandoned later because it was to big
German Trench Club- used in trench raids because of close combats, raiders carried these usually
Used them in trenches to bomb them
M1903 Springfield rifle- worked very well and had little failure
Aircrafts- spying, and minor bombing and dog fighting shooting at their airplanes
M1917 6 ton- they would get stuck in trenches and pretty slow but it had potential in WW2
Browning M1919 Machine Gun- in 1918 gas and recoil operated water cooled, 400 rounds per minute
Fokker Fighter Plane-
german single fighter plane
used mainly in 1915
Battleships- artillery and use guns for an invasion soften up an enemy
Torpedoes- shot underwater like submarines and explode on target, they target shipping boats and known for being shots from German U-Boats
Then we went over our tests from a week ago
Semester TESTS QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Be able to identify the countries of Europe during WWI and what alliance they belonged to
- Be able to identify the main causes of WWI and how they led to war
- Be able to identify the event that started WWI
- Be able to identify the goals of the war for countries involved
- Be able to describe what fighting was like in WWI
Miltarism- having a strong military building armys and navies, it makes the world very scary and not good
Imperialism- take colonies strong countries take over weak countries
Nationalism- having strong pride in our country
Economic Competiton- were competing worldwide for colonies, natural resources markets, money and power
System of Alliances- countries forming alliances teaming up and getting ready for war something is not right
The assanation of Archduke Franz
Gavrilo Princip- young serbain group- they did not like that Austia Hungary took over Bosnia
Serbia and Austria Hungary really did not like eachother
Assination of Archduke Fernidand
Austria Hungary sends ulimatum to Serbia
Austria hungary declares war on serbia after germany gives them carte blanche
Russia mobilizes to support Serbia
Germany declares war on Russia
France enters war to help Russia
Great Britain enters war to help France after Germany attacks France through neutral Belgium
Germany's War Plan-
Hold Russia off for the time being, invade France through Belgium
Paris will surender and pay attetion with Russia then
Death and Destruction
Turkish Massacre of the Armeians
Armeains are christians goes back and forth from independent and someone else in control
Turkey was concerned that the Armeians were going to fight with the russians
Allowing criminals go at them pushing them of cliffs and drowning them in rivers
1.6 million died
- There weren’t any real goals at first, but as time went on and casualties and costs increased, winning territory was a must.
- France
- -regain Alsace and Lorraine from Germany
- -get the Saar Basin from Germany(rich in coal)
- -create and independent Rhineland to create a buffer area between France and Germany
- -cripple Germany’s military
- -get German colonies in Africa
- -get Turkish colonies in the Mid-East
- Great Britain
- -get German colonies in Africa
- -get Turkish colonies in the Mid-East
- Italy
- Russia
- -wanted control of the Dardenelle and Bosporus Straits in Turkey
- Austria-Hungary
- -self preservation
- Germany
- -wanted part of France
- -wanted Luxembourg and Belgium
- -wanted most of western Russia
- -make Austria-Hungary and the Balkans a “sphere of influence”
- -take over French and British colonies in Africa
- United States
- -win and end the war
- -Wilson’s 14 Points
Woodrow Wilson- was our president very progressive and got lots done and he was the president during ww1 and was known to be Nuetral
- U.S. was very upset with both sides in war.
- G.B. and Germany were both stopping U.S. ships
- Eventually, U.S. drew closer to war and the Allies.
- 1. German sinking of British/French ships and killing of U.S. citizens on those ship
- Lusitania, Arabic, Sussex
- Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare in early 1917
- Goal was to influence U.S. public to support World War I in their own way
- Launched a huge propaganda campaign
- The committee used newsprint, posters, radio, telegraph and movies to broadcast its message
- Americanized German words:
-German Measles-liberty measles
-Hamburger-liberty steak
-Sauerkraut-liberty cabbage
- Enlist in the military
- Buy war bonds
- Conserve food
- Encourage patriotism
- Dehumanize the enemy
- Sense of urgency
Then we presented our propaganda