Feb 18th-22nd


New Deal Programs

Civilian Conservation Corps

Most Sucessful New Deal Program

1,433 Camps

300,000 Workers

$30 Per Month

57,000 Iliterate learned to read

It Ended in 1943

It helped highschool age men learn to do normal adult stuff

Federal Emergency Relief Administration

Most Notable Program

Made PWA and WPA

Built Highways, School Etc,

Ended in 1943

Public Works Administration

Created by the National Industrilal Recovery Act

Large Scale public work Construction Agency

Helped 3 Mil People

Work Progress Administration

Made for unskilled men to build small jobs such as

New Schools, Hospitalsm Storm Drains, Bridges, Airfields etc. 

Civil Works Administration

Gave People Jobs

Built many constructions-

Water Mains, Leeves, Schools, Roads

National Youth Administration

Helped people 16-24 trying to find jobs 

Gave Them Education

Gave Jobs in School factories

The First Hundred Days

FDR intended to move at an unprecendented pace to adress the economic issues facing the country

Major laws were enacted in order to fix the economy 

Deficit Spending

When someone spends more than they makes 

Term is typically used for the government

Priming the Pump

a term used for spending in order to get the economy working '

Deficit spending is often used to kickstart the economy 

This was needed because the economy was in such a poor state 

Supreme Court Packing Issue 

Roosevelt announced a plan to expand the supreme court to 15 judges 

The plan recieved criticism from most republicans and many democratas

This policy would ensure that most of the supreme court justices would be on his side. 

The Three Rs

Relief- temporary help for suffering/unemployed Americans

The most well known example of relief was the social security act

Recovery-designed to quickly help the economy bounce back

The Agricultural Adjustment Act helped increase the commodity prices for farmers 

Reform- long term fix to the depression by adressing the causes.

Many banks today are insured by the FDIC, which covers up to 250,000

First New Deal

Aimed to stabilized the economy and relieve those suffering. He declared a four day bank holiday to stop people from withdrawing from unstable banks 

Congress was encouraged to end prohibition 

Most americans found something that they liked, and something that they disliked.

Second New Deal

More agressive, would continue to help americans

 WPA- gave jobs to unemployed peoples 

Helped build school, post offices, and highways

The Social Security act was set up to help unemployed, disabled, and dependant children. 

Fireside Chats

In the 1930's 90% of americans had radios in their houses

 Fireside chats were radio adresses by FDR to the american people discussing various topics. 

In his first chat, he encouraged americans to stop taking money out of the banks

from 1933 to 1944 FDR gave around 30 chats on topics such as the new deal, unemployment and WWII




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