Feb 11th- 15th

Monday- Alf Landon-1936 Presidential Candidate(Republican) FDR(Democrat) FDR Won, he accomplished the new deal, had the longest tenure as president, created banking acts. 

Bonus Army

Why did WWI Veterans go to washigton DC?.

Took place in the summer of 1932, about 43,000 marchers, 17,000 U.S. WWII Veterans.

Took Place in Washington D.C. 

After WWI The Government promised WWI veterans would be paid for their service in 1945, and they marched on to try and get the bonus early, hence the name bonus army.  

400 Members started the movement in portland oregon. 

Took a Freight Train to Iowa

Hitched Rides from Iowa to washington 

The Government said no to the lump-sum payments, congress created the Civillian Conservation Corp to held find work for the veterans 

Congress passed two billion dollars in benefits that were used for the new deal project. 

The Marchers set up tents and created shantytowsns on capital grounds 

Weeks later the Army and Police were sent in to expel the Marchers, and Troops were led by Douglas MacArthur

Many of the papers released after the event did not support the governments response. Veterans were offered jobs by the CCC, and most of them were accepted. People who didn't got transported home. 

Four years later in 1936 the veterans did get their jobs. 




Wednesday, Thursday, Friday- No School 

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