February 18 -February 22

Monday - Finished with Bonus Army 

The Bonus Army 

- Group of 12,000-15,000 WW1 veterans 

- Took wives and kids to Washington, DC 


- !932 WW1 Veterans went on strike against the government 

- Wartime bonus wasn't enough during the Great Depression 

- Getting  bonus of $50 for risking life in the war 

- Veterans were not giving up (Set up Hoovervilles)

- Hoover didn't like this (Tried to send them home)

- Not a good image for Hoover 


- Government demanded the Bonus Army to leave 

- 1 Veteran was shot 

- Many police officers were wounded 

-Tear gas was thrown 

- Not a good image for Hoover 


- Congress paid $100,000 to send Bonus Army home 

-  This money was was used to pay their way back home 

A Second Bonus Army 

- 1934 (Marched into Washington DC greeted with open arms)

- FDR and the First Lady received them, but didn't pay the bonus 


FDR/ New Deal/ Farm Relief And Rual Development 

- 1910 FDR won a state senate spot as a Democrat

- He won in a highly Republican area

 - 1913 FDR was named assistant secretary of the US Navy by PResident Woodrow Wilson 

- Polio 

-1921 Was on a yacht in the Bay of Fundy. FDR fell into ice waters 

- Complainded of back pains 

- ON AUgust 25, 1921 was diagnosed with Polio 


- 1921 left politics for rehab 

- Went through rehab for several years 

- was fitted for knee braces in early 1922

 - Personal Ultimatum 

Accept the progress and return to politics 


Give up on politics for a full recovery 

- FDR nominated New York's Governor 

- FDR successfully nominated him the second time

- FDR got elected to NEW York Governor  in 1928 

 - RE-elected Governor 1930 

- Looked to be front runner in 1932 


- Went to Chicago to accept his nomination 

- Pledged for "A New Deal"

- Democrats dominated 

 - Re-election in 1936, 1940, 1944

- Only 4 term President 

New Deal 

- Series of programs  and projects 

- During the Great Depression 

- Aimed to restore prosperity 

 - Stabilized the Economy 

 - Provided job and relief oto suffering people

First New Deal (1933 - 1934)

- The First 100 Days 

- Tackle Unemployment 

- Banking Crisis 

- Farm Relief 

- Helping farmers helped Factories

- Factories relied on Farmers 

- Aimed to get the Economy going again and create jobs 

Second New deal (1935 - 1938) 

- Created the Works Progress Administration 

- Wasn't allowed to complete with private  industry 

- Focused on Building things like 

post office 





- Gave work to 



theater directors 


- Agricultural Adjustment Act 9 1933 and 1938)

- Large surpluses caused drops in prices 

- Paid to not farm crops or livestock 

- Products were used in other prodictive ways 

- Farm Income 50% higher in 1935 than 1932 

 - Was ruled unconstitutional in 1936 

- New AAA in 1938 

- Remedied problems 

- Allowed AG support programs 

 - Provided crop Insurance  


 Tuesday - Finished New Deal 

Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (1936)

- The Dust Bowl

- Soil Conservation Act (1935) 

- Enhance Federal- State Coordination 

 - Discourage overuse of land 

- Assist tenants ans sharcropers 

- Create stable and adequate crop prices 


Hundred Days/ Fireside Chats

- President Roosevelt started in office (The Great Depression)

- Darkest Hour 

- Started March 4, 1933 

- Roosevelt would push 15 major bills through congress 

- Bills reshaped the Economy 

- Help get AMerica out of The Great Depression ( Later 1930's)


- First problem FDR attacked 

 - 8 hours mad national banking day (Closed all banks for 1 day)

- Permitted failing banks to reopen under government supervision 

- Allowed RFC to buy the stock of troubled banks 

Fireside Chats

- Were when President Roosevelt woud give speeches ofer the radio

- 30 Evening addresses (8 Days after he was elected into office) 

- Made it so the it he was talking directly to you 


- FDR would refer back to our founding father 

- "Start Spangles Banner" was always played after each message 

- Underlined Patriotic message 

- FDR reminded people about God or Providence 

 -  Boosted the Public's confidence 

- Boosted Roosevelts popular vote for election 

- Overall it explained his policies to the American Public 


Critics of the New Deal 

- Series of Progrms and projects 

- During the Greate Depression 

- Provided releif and jobs

Supporters and Critics 

- Hars criticism and high praise 

- Conservations though it made the federal government to large and to powerful

- Stifled free enterprise and individual initiative 

- Roosevelt didn't have enought to socialize and eliminate social and economic inequties 

 - Unregulated capitalism and overregulated socialism 

Charles Coughlin 

- Roman Catholic Priest 

- Radion Semons- Economical, political, and religious ideas 

- 40 - 45 Million 

- Veiws appealed poor people 

- Garanteed annual income and nationalization of banks 

- American Liberty League 

- Believed it violated respect for the right and property 

Wednesday - NO SCHOOL 

Thursday - Finished with Critics/People 

Francis Townsend 

- Physician and health officer 

- FDR wasn't doing enough for the poor and elderly 

- Pension Plan - Monthy benefits 

- Elderly then didn't like FDR's New Deal 

Huey Long 

- Senator of Louisiana

- Wanted Presidency himself 

- Nationwide social program (Shared out Wealth)

- "Every Man King" 

- Promised something for everyone 

- 27,000 clubs and 7.5 million members 

- Was assassinated by a lone gunman 

- Roosevelt the realized he needed to do more 

3 R's & Priming the Pump

- New Deal consisted of 3 R's 

- Relief, Recovery, and Reform 


- Socal Security Act 

- Enacted in 1935 

- Give Help and Financial security to the Retired, Unemployment, Disabled, and Indepented mother with childeren 

- During the depression about 50% of senior citizens lived in debt 

-Funds are collected from everyday paycheck 

- Split the tax donation that the government collects 

- After age 62 citizens receive a monthy pension check back from the government 


- Hoover left office (Banks were failing everyday across the nation) 

- Roosevelt and Congress passed emergency legislation to solve banking crisis

- FDR closed all nations' banks (Federal Reserve could help strengthen them and restore confidence in the banking system)

- Meant that the government guarenteed savings deposits for all AMerican 


- Agricultural Adjustment Act 

- Was passed on May 12, 1933 

- Agricultural Adjustment Administration 

 - 1935, the Surpreme Court in United States 

National Industrial Recovery Act 

- Roosevelt believed that improving the public infrastructure would put more money into the economy

Priming the Pump 

- Processing to raise the economy 

- Usually during declined periods (Interest rates, tax reduction and government spending 

- Declined periods mostly happens in industrial productions, employment, real income, and wholesale-retail trade. 

- Designed to make loans to banks and industry 

FDR and the Supreme Court 

- The Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 

- Frequently called the "Court - Packing plan 

- President Franklin 

- FDR said it would to make it more efficient 

- Critics immediately charged that Roosevelt was trying to "Pack" the court and thus nuetralize Surpreme Court 

- Previous 2 years, Surpreme Court had struck down several ky peices of the New Deal 

Friday - Bruns went over some things 

  • Causes of the great depression
  • Overproduction of goods
  • Underconsumption of goods by consumers
  • Agricultural slump in 1920’s due to overproduction
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