Monday: F.D.R accomplishments-born Jan 30th, 1882, New York- died April 12, 1945, Georgia, born into a wealthy family, went to Colombia Law school, had polio-his wife was a huge role, traveled in a car, (the early 1920s got polio), the only president that ran four terms (12 years), made fireside chats, the new deal (programs to help economy), new deal-reform wall street(stock market on wall street), relief for farmers and unemployment, social security, disputed economic recovery, (Democrat dominated 30's) 2 new deal focused on getting ppl more jobs, social security act, Wagner act, civilian conservation, CCC-designed to help families, forest fires, planted trees, cleared and maintained access roads, re-seeded grazing lands, a lot of nature things, FERA, PWA
Tuesday: watched foot-loose video, national youth administration, hired 16-25, part-time work, NYA (part of new deal), end of new deal, once F.D.R stopped spending things went downhill, go into massive debt?, WW2 got us out of great depression, production, a lot of ppl were working, song, first new deal vs second new deal, second-federal crop insurance corporation, social security act, national labor relations act, took 20 to 30 years to get electric lines up, surplus commodities program-provides food to poor, Nation youth Administration-part time employment for college and high school students, (ironic the AAA (agricultural act) aimed to help farmers, they paid farmers to destroy crops and etc, and plant less, leave land fallow, yet people were starving in cities)
Wednesday: no school; snow day
Thursday: presentation, hundred-day F.D.R., what have they done the first 3 months presidency? Started with F.D.R (his goal was to modernize, expand, reform federal government), going to "clean things up", deficit spending, priming the pump-fixing economy by spending money (our gov. started going into debt, wasteful money), Deficit spending- spending more money than you make, needed to help us, fireside chats- a channel on the radio made by Roosevelt to keep people up to date, gave them at the white house by the fireplace, lasted 13-44 minutes, F.D.R. critics- Huey Long(the King Fish, assassinated, ran for president) opposed F.D.R., "Share the money", reduce work hours, everyone paid, helped elders, take money from rich and give to more (F.D.R. wasn't doing enough), Father Charles Couglin-he believed that F.D.R. or gov should take control of the banks (influencer had 40 to 45 million radio listners) very critical of F.D.R. but than became anti-semetic (against Jews, also Hitler started to begin that) lost followers, Francis Townsend- health officer believed that F.D.R. wasn't doing enough, wanted to give a pension of 200 every month to senior citizens (F.D.R. eventually did the social security thing) (right republican you're doing too much, left democrat-your're not doing enough), powerpoint is online on "here"
Causes of Great Depression: overproduction of goods, profits go down, lay people off, people were in debt from buying on credit, people no longer buying things, farmers weren't doing well, poor, couldn't spend a lot of money, Herbert Hoover thought let's raise tariffs so they bought American products, problem was companies couldn't sell to Americans cause they were in debt and couldn't sell overseas because of the high tariffs, military solution invade China, (ww2), taxes benefiting rich in the 1920's- trickle down, stock market crash-sped up this whole problem, businesses lost money and closed, people lost jobs, banks closed in coming years, Vicious Cycle
Friday: Okies- people in Oklahoma, where the dust bowl was, that went to California, Hobert Hoover won the 1928 election, Boulder(Hoover) Dam, a lot of dams built in 1930s, creates jobs for people, sell the power from the dams-self liquidating (make money themselves over time) / sold electricity, F.D.R wins next, to fix everything, RRR, new deal, fireside chats, Deficit spending-spending more money than we take in (1930s was when it really started) Priming the Pump- gov had to spend a lot of money to get economy going, Court Packing Bill- added people to supreme court, backfired, Heuy Longs Share the Wealth