Bernie Sanders has said that he will be running in the next election. He thinks Trump is racist. He is a Socialist Democrate. He was the mayor of Vermont at a time. He's been elected to the Senate twice now. Kamala Harris is also running. She said she was running on Matin Luther King day. She is a lawyer. Some say she's too far left. Cory Booker said that he was running in a video message. He went to elite collages and highschools. He sexually harrassed a girl in highschool but came out and appologised for it. Some think it's fine but others don't. Amy Klobucher is a Senetor in Minnisoda. She annouced it in the middle of the snowstorm. She went to Yale and studied law. She has the highest staff turning records which means she hard to work with. Elizibeth Warren is running and she and Donald Trump don't like each other. She used to teach at Harvard. She says she's a Native American because of a test she took. Most Native Americans say that she is not. Kirsten Gillibrand said that she's looking to run but hasn't announced it yet. She was a lawyer. Tulsi Gabard is running. She is from Hawaii. She is the youngest women runnning. She was homeschooled. SHe helped her dad with an anit-gay thing back in the 2000's.