Should there be restrictions on purchasing a gun

Should there be a restriction on owning a gun or buying a gun? The reason why people buy guns is mostly for protection if someone breaks into your house, or people just have them, or people go hunting so they need guns in order to hunt. But there are some reasons why some people shouldn’t own them. Like some shouldn’t have guns, either they had trauma in the past or don't know anything about guns. But what are some of the restrictions people should follow when selling guns to people. 


One restriction people should definitely follow is how old they are. Because obviously selling a gun to a kid could go very wrong. Kids would have no idea how to use it and could be dangerous because he could accidentally shoot and go off and hit someone. Some people still say the age restriction is still too low and they need to make it older. Because there are still young people around the world that go around shooting people for no reason.


A second restriction on why people should maybe own a gun is did they have any trauma in the past or don’t know anything about it. First is if they have their trauma with guns it is best not to let them have one. Either they could really get scared of them especially when guns are loud or they really just don’t want a gun. But for the people who don’t know how to use it, they really should get some training beforehand or not use a gun for their safety.


That’s some of the reason why I think that guns should be more restrictive, because it could go really bad for some people. Making it more restricted makes people's lives safer and nice. By either lowering the age or thinking about the person's life. But what do you think about this?

  1. Do you think this is good 
  2. What are some thing you would change about it 
  3. Should we have guns at all.


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