Are Energy Drinks Good or Bad for Your Health?

Over the years energy drinks have been very popular amongst teens and college students who need a energy boost. However, the health of these energy drinks are a hot topic and a very big debate. most people say that these energy drinks can offer some benefits and others say there is crucial ingredients and potential health risks and may have many bad effects on the body. But what is your opinion?

Why energy drinks might be bad?Energy drinks contain a combination of caffeine, sugar, vitamins, and other compounds. Most energy drinks have a lot of sugar which can be very bad for you. Every energy drink has caffeine and caffeine is an addictive ingredient that increases your heart rate. Also, most energy drinks contain more than double of the recommended daily intake of sugar in a single serving. 

Why energy drinks might be good for you? Some energy drinks have certain benefits like for example caffeine can make you improve physical performance and decrease being tired during exercise on a day-to-day basis. Some of energy drinks also say that they contain natural ingredients. 

Health risks and concerns- Even though some of these energy drinks may contain potential benefits there are also health risks with these energy drinks . High caffeine intake can lead to increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and feeling jittery. also, the high sugar in the energy drinks can contribute to obesity, dental problems, and risk of type two diabetes.

In my opinion, I feel like some energy drinks are better than others, as when they don’t have a lot of milligrams of caffeine and have more than just one benefit towards your health . 


Do you think there should be an age restriction on energy drinks? 

Do you think the marketing of the brand is targeted towards teens and young adults rather than adults? 

Do you think energy drinks are good or bad for you?,%2C%20heart%20rate%2C%20and%20breathing.&text=These%20drinks%20are%20often%20used,effect%20on%20the%20nervous%20system.


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  • no there shouldnt be an age limit. there is no chemicals that could impact your life. to be honest, I dont see any brands marketed twards adults or teens. yes and no, eneergy drinks do keep you up, but kidney stones.

    • I disagree with you because, there are chemicals that are bad for you. As for it is your own opinion, you choose your beliefs but I think that over time body will have a negative impact on your body rather than a positive. 

  • I dont think that there should be and age limit i think that it should be up to parents on if there kids should drink them or not I think that they are marketed toward teens so that they think they have to have them everyday. I think that energy drinks arn't good for you. 

    • Well if the parents agree with the kids that they can drink engery drinks, they should say a limit on how many they can drink. Because if they just say you can have as many as you want kids might start drinking to much of it and they don't even realize that they are, kids could be every sick and have heart problems in the future. I also think that engery drinks arn't good for you. 

  • I think that the way engergy drinks are marketed are targeting younger audiences wi8th their bright colors and commercial placement. It's no doubt that engergy drinks are bad for your health, and I'm curious as to how the companies that produce them get away with such an unheathy ratio.

  • I don't think little kids should be drinking energy drinks but if your at least 13 I'd say its normal to drink one as long as your not drinking them all the time. I agree the marketing is geared more towards young adults and teens (whats wrong with marketing towards young adults?) and energy drinks are definatley bad for you but if u wanna drink them in moderation than that's ok.

  • I think energy drinks are bad for you because when you are younger and still growing, if you are having energy drinks especially a ton of them it will cause heart problems and can do very bad stuff to happen to you.

    • I agree with you, you are still growing and your brain is still developing. It is also really bad to drink so much it cause really bad heart problems.

  • I think energy drinks are bad for you. Because they can cause to many thing to happen.I also think that some of the younger kids drink them because of the brands 


  • I think that there should be an age limit on the energy drinks. Becuase the kids can get killed by drink them.


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