6Kiersten updated their profile
Jan 8
6Kiersten replied to 5Ben's discussion Why Fanta is a Soda for Nazis
"My favorite soda would have to be Dr. Pepper because it has the best flavor. Fanta is probably the most common soda you could find at like a birthday party. I would still buy this knowing it came from Germany because there is still great flavor and…"
Dec 14, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 2Addi Wicks's discussion How does inflation effect our lives?
"I think that inflation effects everyone because go up an then they go back down. Most people don't want to spend their money anymore because of the high prices and the cause of inflation. Inflation effects everyone on a daily bases because of the…"
Dec 14, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 6Brody's discussion Are iPhone and Android different part wise
"I think that iphone and android are not similar because they have lots of different features and quailitys. The also work very differently in all of the ways that phones work. I personally love my iphone and I wont be switching to an android."
Dec 14, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 6Hope's discussion Should you drink pre-workout?
"I don't think that taking pre workout could be very effective. Ive heard it gives you energy but personally I wouldn't take it.  I know that my older brother takes pre workout but if you take too much it can be bad for your health and it can be…"
Dec 14, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 3ava's discussion Pros and Cons of Having Sports Before or After School?
"I personally think that having practice after school is the best option because Im not a morning person at all. I also think that getting more rest at is a good way to have more energy at a practice and not having to worry about waking up even…"
Dec 14, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 7Clara's discussion Should the death penalty be abolished?
"In my opinion I think they should keep it. If it is a bad enough crime or muder than i feel like they should have that as an option. However other people may say that they should get rid of it because some people are acused of being gulity, so your…"
Dec 14, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 3Talia's discussion Should we listen to Christmas music before or after Thanksgiving?
"Personally I think Christmas music should wait until after Thanksgiving because then it is more fun when the temps get colder and you can finally put Christmas decor up. I also think that the music can get pretty annoying for some people if they…"
Dec 14, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 2 Hayden's discussion Should teachers do more group projects?
"I think group projects are a gopod thing because it allows everyone to have a say so in what they want to do. i also think this is a good idea because it lets each person work on the same amount of research. Some people prefer working alone but I…"
Dec 14, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 4Tobina's discussion Should Parents track their kids?
"I think parents should be able to track their kids because they can see where they are at all times. It can also be way safer to have your kids location just incase something happens. Life 360 is a very common tracking app that many people have."
Dec 14, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 3Kaden's discussion Youth safety Online
"I think that kids at a young age should definitley be restricted to some websites because of the danger that can be caused. I also think that the internt is way safer than it was before. Personally, as long as their not on anything bad I wouldn't…"
Nov 30, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 2henry's discussion November sales
"I think that black Friday shopping should just be kept to one day because so many people take advantage of this day. I also think that it should only take one day to go into the stores and get what you want. Theres lots of chaos during this day so…"
Nov 30, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 7Kennedy's discussion What do we tell kids about Santa Clause?
"I used to believe in Stanta when I was little and I feel that it was so much fun during Christmas time. I feel like you should let your kids believe in Stanta becuase like I said it just makes Christmas and waking up so much more fun. I also think…"
Nov 30, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 7Manlluli's discussion Should the Adults in Your Life Be Worried by How Much You Use Your Phone?
"I think it really depends. If you are on your phone all day trying to aviod your parents then I could see why they would be concerned. However, I think if you are using it and being responisble when you are on your phone I feel like they should not…"
Nov 30, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 4Kelsie's discussion Are e- cigarettes less harmful than smoking?
"I think that e-cigaretts are worse then smoking because one pod of nicotine is equal to a whole box of cigaretts. There are also so many options to chose from and its very harmful and bad for your body. You also don't know all of the long term…"
Nov 30, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 2Hannah's discussion Armed Teachers
"I think that for saftey reasons teachers should. It would be a better chnace at no one getting hurt if a school shooting were to happen. I also think this could positivly effect a school shooting because it would keep students and teachers safe."
Nov 21, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 4Rebekah's discussion Should Schools Provide an American Sign Language Class?
"If this class was offerd I don't think I would do it but I think it is a good life lesson to learn. For example, if you go out in public you could want to learn ASL for different situations. Although I wouldn't take the class, it would be a good…"
Nov 21, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 5Mikayla's discussion Omegle: Talk to Strangers
"I think that Omegle getting shut down was the best option. As you have probably heard there are many dangers and many risky people using the app. I don't think this website was safe just due to the risks that come with talking to complete strangers. "
Nov 21, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 5Lydia's discussion Why is Fortnite Popular Again?
"I have played fortnite recently. I think it is more fun because of the OG map is back and I agree that attractcs more people. I started playing fortnite a few months ago and now I find it more fun. "
Nov 20, 2023
6Kiersten posted a discussion
Should you decorate for Christmas around November 1st? Most people will argue that putting up Christmas decorations at the beginning of the month is too early and it interferes with Thanksgiving. But, some people like the thought of Christmas being…
Nov 14, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 5Clara's discussion Is binge-watching good for you?
"I think it really depends. If you have nothing to do and you need to rest I think that it is good for you. On the other hand, if you have things to do then I don't think its very healthy because then you are kinda being lazy. But sometimes all I do…"
Oct 5, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 4Mason's discussion Rule Changes In the NFL
"I think that some rules could be chnaged to have each player have more of a chnace to score. But I also think that the rules now will probably stay the same because it has been around for many years. If they do chnage the rules, it could be more…"
Oct 5, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 4westin's discussion is nuclear power good for the environment
"I think that using nuclear energy is very wasteful. It can harm us humans and it is also very harful to the enviorment. It can also cause pollution which is very bad, and it can have long term affects on people. For example, putting them in a…"
Oct 5, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 5Lydia's discussion Should you trust Wikipedia?
"I dont think Wikipedia is a very useful source. Many people can writge their own thoughts and change things around. They also don't give very much information, or even both sides of the topic. I don't recommend anyone to use this site."
Oct 5, 2023
6Kiersten posted a discussion
Starting your day of with a nutritious breakfast will get your day started off great! When you start your day off with a healthy meal is provides your brain with the energy it needs to work properly . The brain needs the energy to be able to…
Sep 24, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 6Carson's discussion Air Quality Alerts In Iowa
"I think that air qualtity alerts are very important to it can tell people to be safe. I also think that us Americans and the people in Canda are in danger because of the wild fires. The smoke thats in the air can be harfmul and some people dont…"
Sep 13, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 5Lydia's discussion Are Single Gender Schools Better Than Mixed-gender Schools?
"I think I would chose to go to a mixed gender school so you can be socaily experianced with both genders. Not only would it be helpful to know how to work with both genders but it would be good to learn life skills. For example, jobs, schools, ect."
Sep 12, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 6Emercyn's discussion 4 Day School Week
"I would want the 4 day school week to be able to prepare for the upcoming week and to sleep in. Most people might not like that but I feel like this is a good option for some people who need an extra day. Some people might also prefer diffrent days…"
Aug 31, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 4Tiffany's discussion Mental Health
"I beilive that mental health is a very important thing to be talked about. You never know what goes on behind other peoples lifes. It also helps to be talked about so people can talk and connect to people who have been throught the same thing and…"
Aug 31, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 1Eric's discussion Should Homework be Banned?
"I think it depends on the situation. I think its good to have for a little more practice on school work. For example, if there is a test next day you might want to study. In other ways homework can be very stressful and some people have activites. "
Aug 31, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 7Kennedy's discussion Are teenagers more impolite than in previous generations?
"I think that teens are not as polite as they once where because of how society has changed. I personally think that technolgy has taken over peoples actions because of the acts online. Also i think that parents are getting lazy about teaching there…"
Aug 31, 2023
6Kiersten replied to 3Dixi's discussion Has Technology Impacted the Level of Laziness in Today's Society?
"I think it really depends on the situation. I feel like if you make technology your first priority then it can make people lazy. I beileve that if you don't use your phone to much then it will not make you lazy. Going out to dinner and going into…"
Aug 31, 2023
6Kiersten is now a member of History 360
Aug 25, 2023
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