Technology has impacted today's society, but has it also impacted how lazy we are? Technology has improved so much it's taken over jobs or other labor humans used to do. Technology has transformed how we live completely. There are now AI, apps, and many other types of technology or things that involve technology that help or do things for you.
No matter how simple the task is, technology will probably now do it for you. One example is doing your homework. There are apps like Photomath that give you the answers to most of your mathematical questions. There is also different types of AI that can answer questions you ask it. For example, you can have it to write an essay for you about a specific topic. There are also apps where you don't have to leave your house to go do stuff. A common example would be shopping. You can now do that online and these apps are making malls less used. People used to go to malls and stores to buy what they needed but now you can download an app or go to a website and shop from there. Also, if you wanted to go and eat food, you could also just order from your couch and have it delivered to your home. Due to technology, you don't have to get up, thus making you lazy. Another thing people can do is work from home. There is no need to wake up and drive to work when you can work from home.
Technology and the way in which we have let it develop has let it affect us in multiple ways. We are now too lazy to go in stores to buy things like groceries or clothes, we're too lazy to do our homework, we're too lazy to do math problems on our own, and we're too lazy to get food from a restaurant. We are the cause for the increase in laziness these past years. This can continue to be our way of living, or we can fix our dependance on technology. Technology is both a blessing and a curse.
In what ways has technology made YOU lazy?
Do you think we will let technology overtake society?
I think it really depends on the situation. I feel like if you make technology your first priority then it can make people lazy. I beileve that if you don't use your phone to much then it will not make you lazy. Going out to dinner and going into socail groups withought your phone doesn't make you lazy.
I believe that technology has not made me lazy and yes I believe that tectnology with overtake society. Yet when covid had hit we had to do all of are stuff online because we have no choose so if some people are lazy thats ok. Although we weren't ready for all of that to change so yes some people with be lazy because of that.
I feel like no matter what we'll all become more lazy if technology will continue to progress with some things, such things as AI art where they steal artists' art and people will use it instead of doing it themselves or hiring someone. I also feel like people aren’t getting out as much because there are other forms of entertainment other than playing with your friends outside or just going outside and enjoying the natural beauty of it, or some nice fresh air. Unfortunately, I feel like a lot of people, including myself, don't go outside as much anymore because of technology.
I don't know if we will let technology overtake society, but I believe that it will grow increasingly more important. Although technology might be used for more things in the future, I think that it truly depends on the person whether it makes them lazy or not. I believe that it is a good thing for technology to advance because it makes many things in society more efficient.
I think that in some sort of way technology will overtake society it's already happening in a way. Technology is starting to take over jobs, for example, cashiers, now there is self checkout instead of actual cashiers.
I do think that technology has made a huge impact on how productive people are nowadays. I do have to agree that some people have gotten so lazy to the point where they don't feel like going out and getting food, and feel like ordering food from their couch. Technology has affected me by staying inside, and not being outside.
I feel like technology has definently affected me because when I was younger I would go outside and do random stuff, but now I prefer to stay in my room and watch Netflix or something.
I agree that technology has definitly made life easier, but I believe LAZY is the wrong word to use. I think using technology in this way has encouraged people to look for more resources and work smarter, not harder. I don't think technology will overtake society for some time because our economy relies on a lot of maual labor and until we find a new way to pay people in order for them to use these goods and services that have been overtaken by AI, we won't be able to properly function off of robot labor.
Technology has made me lazier by ordering things online instead of going out and shopping for it. However, sometimes products are not available in-stores, so it can be necessary at times. I think that we will let technology overtake society because it is so easy to get pulled to the laziness that technology brings. It is a lot easier to go online while on the couch, than go out and do it yourself.
Technology has made me lazy because i dont have to go outside to do stuff for entertanement and has made me less active when wanting to do things. It has made me just want to sit and do nothing but watch videos and tv, and play video games pluse forgetting the time. I also belive that technology will take over socioty because many jobs have alredy ben takin from people like cash rejesters and will most likely countinu to take over jobs for years to come.