The topic of arming teachers in schools has been a subject of debate for quite some time now. While some argue that this could be a necessary measure to ensure the safety of students in case of a school shooting, others express concern over the potential risks and dangers that come with having armed teachers in the classroom. A recent poll on revealed that only a minority of people in Iowa support the idea of allowing teachers to carry guns in schools. When looking at Iowa, only 37% of people said yes, our teachers should be able to be armed. The other 63% split up between three different no answers. No - 49%, no, higher a professionally trained security guard - 14%, and no, it would increase the chance of school shootings - 4%. However, some other states such as Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming have higher levels of support for arming teachers. The rest don’t want armed teachers. Despite the differing opinions, there seems to be a general consensus that any armed person in schools should be professionally trained in gun safety and know how to prevent the weapon from falling into the wrong hands. I agree with this I would like to have professionally trained personnel in schools for protection.
Where do you stand? Do you want an armed person in the school for protection or not?
If you do, what kind of training do you think this person should have?
What kind of problems do you think this might present if the person isn't trained right?
This was posted more than a week late and you didn't reply to any student comments. Be sure to include sources to back up the data you mention.
I personally do not think that teachers should have the opprotunity to have a gun in the school for protection purposes in a "what if" situation. Because a student could use that gun that they have in their classroom, and it could cause more harm than good in my opnion. Guns in schools is a very touchy subject.
I'm not sure that would be a good idea, yes, it's great to be able to defend yourself and your students, but what if a teacher went crazy and decided to use a gun against their students? It's just a hazard in the classroom. If a teacher were to be armed in school, they'd need to go to a yearly course to relearn and keep the instructions and rules in mind.
I don't think that anybody should have a gun in school. If it was up to me, there would be way stricter gun laws. Since that won't happen and people keep finding ways to bring guns into school, maybe there should be security guards with tranqulizers, tasers, or even guns.
I do not think that all teachers should be armed, however, I believe that there should be armed people in the building. The school would have to find a way to conceal or case these guns that would be impossible for anyone with bad intentions to get.
I think that having teachers being armed could be helpful if there was ever an intruder, but the teachers would have to be trained very well. I also think that there would have to be extra special ways to hide this weapon, not just in a safe, I think that the school would have to figure out a special way to make sure that this weapon would fall into the wrong hands.
I think it would be smart to have an armed teacher for protection if there was a school shooter. I think they should have some basic training on working the weapon that they would have and some type of self-defense.
I think that for saftey reasons teachers should. It would be a better chnace at no one getting hurt if a school shooting were to happen. I also think this could positivly effect a school shooting because it would keep students and teachers safe.
I think for safty, it would be a good idea to have someone to protect the students during a shooting. They should probalbly how to take a gun from someone and how to make quick calls for his or her safty.