Does Eating Breakfast Help You Focus Better in School?

Starting your day of with a nutritious breakfast will get your day started off great! When you start your day off with a healthy meal is provides your brain with the energy it needs to work properly . The brain needs the energy to be able to function at its best, espacally at school. Breakfast is known for the most important meal of the day due to how it effects your body. For example, focusing in the classroom. 


It is very important to not skip out on breakfast. It can leave you feeling tired and hungry which can make you feel like its harder to concentrate. You are also more at risk of getting energy crahses which is when your body lacks the fuel that breakfast gives you. On the other hand, a well balanced breakfast can improve your memory tremendously. It also helps regulate your blood sugar levels and your health. Taking time to grab somthing to eat for breakfast has many more health beifits. Always remeber to fuel your brain. 


To make the most out of a nutritious breakfast you can include many easy ingrediants. For example, rich protien foods like eggs or yogurt are all great options. Some whole grain options can be, oatmeal or whole wheat toast, and fruits or vegetables for added vitimans and fiber. Never forgot to stay hydrated, that can be water, juice, milk, ect. Being hydtrated plays a big role in the morning. 


Personally, I think that everyone should start their day with a very healthy breakfast. It can help so much when it comes to focusing in school and to not crash during the school day. Breakfast has many positive benifits and it will keep you more motivated during the day. It is also the most important meal of the day. 



1. Do you think that breakfast helps students focus better in school? 

2. Do you think that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? 

3. Do you think it is worth taking time in the morming to eat breakfast?

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  • Good topic choice and summary Kjersten! Be sure to include your sources. The bit gissue is your didn't reply to any student comments which is worth 30 points.

  • Yes, I think it always helps if you have a good breakfast, because this way you can start the day well and don't always have to think about food. Because if you have eaten well, you can concentrate better on other things. I have experienced this myself.You should actually take time every morning to make a healthy breakfast, because that's how you start your day. And your first meal can set your mood for the day.

  • I think that eating breakfast in the morning will help students focus in school, because they won't be distracted when they are hungry, or if they don't have any energy. I think that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because you start your day with food in your stomach. I think that it is definitely beneficial to take time to eat in the morning. 

  • I think that eating breakfast can help you focus better just because you aren't thinking about how hungry you are or how much time is left until lunch. I personally don't eat any breakfast because I don't have time for it, and I do fine in school. I think that breakfast can be the most important meal but it just depends.

  • I think that eating before school can help students focus better. I believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it helps you function better when you have something in your system. It reduces the chance of fainting if you eat because you have energy and I think its worth taking time in the morning to eat breakfast. 

  • I think that eating before school helps students focus. If the student eats before school then they wont have to worry about being hungry or not feeling good. I think breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it gives you the proteins to keep your body going during the day.

  • I think it helps students focus better in school because they are not always hungry and don't need to worry about what they should eat. I think breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I think it is worth the time to eat breakfast so you are not hungry all morning.

  • I personally belive that breakfast is important because it gives you the protien to start your day right. Some people may disagree that breakfast isthe most important meal of the day.

  • I think eating breakfast in the morning will help students focus better in school. Eating breakfast in the morning will help so you don't get super hungry in classes. I think breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it helps refuel your body after sleeping and give you much needed energy.

  • I think breakfast can really help out a student and have a nice start to their day. Although im not sure if its most important. Most students also dont have the energy to eat breakfast every morning. Personally I dont eat breakfast, but its not a bad idea and could defintly help. 

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