In recent years many people seem to think teenagers are more impolite than in previous generations. Is this so? Every generation of teens is made by the social things in everyday life. Today teenagers are no different in fact they are the first generation to grow up saturated by mobile technology and social media.
In today's world teens are a lot more close with their parents compared to previous generations. In spite of that their life path has also been formed by income imbalance that depresses their hopes for their future. Analizing to previous generations many people believe that teens have less control over how their life turns out. Many believe this is because parents choose their life paths for them. Parents in today's generation are much more forceful about things like going to college than in previous generations leaving some kids feeling pressured and feeling like their parents pre determin their life.
Many believe that young people in today's world are more disrespectful than ever. Personally I think this has to do with today's communication mainly being passed through mobile technology. Communication is indirect and going forward informal. Whereas traditions are passed on when talking face to face. Today many young teens would rather hide behind screens instead of interacting with one another face to face. Not to mention social media is influencing teens in their everyday life with some sort of trend. But why are these trends affecting the way teens are behaving some may ask. Many trends encourage extreme diets, exercise routines, and unrealistic body standards that can lead to disastrous behaviors. Some of these simple yet so easy trends are resulting with teens in malnutrition, physical injurey, mental health issues, and even depression.
In conclusion, the way teens act in today's world is much different from previous years. Due to the effect of electronics on people in the current generation. Whereas the older generation did not grow up with electronics to hide behind and interact with. Are electronics making teens addicted and selfish towards others?
Do you think teens now are more impolite than before? If so then why?
How could teens be more polite in today's world?
Are electronics making teens addicted and selfish towards others?
Why are trends affecting the way teens are behaving?
Cole, Alyssa. “The Dangers of Social Media Trends.” The DO, 4 May 2023,,%2C%20anxiety%2C%20depression%20and%20more.
“Teens and Manners: Is Today’s Generation Less Polite and More out of Line?” WFMJ.Com, Accessed 27 Aug. 2023.
/author/int-no_author. “Are Young People Today More Disrespectful or Rebellious than Their Parents Were?” The Japan Times, The Japan Times, 29 July 2008,
Globale, Ecole. “Why Teenagers Show Rude Behaviour.” Medium, Medium, 9 Feb. 2021,
Good topic choice and well done Kennedy! Be sure to check back Thursday evening as it gets busy usually.
I think teens are more impolite in todays generation then pervious because of all of the technology that is around today then back then. Parents don't punish there kids they just let it be i'm not saying all parents but most
I think teens are more impolite in this generation because back then we did not have any electronics. Right now, we have too many electronics. Using electronics means that teens would rather just hide behind the screens and not interact with each other in person. Since we have electronics, theres a big possibility of cyber bullying.
I think that teens are using technology more so they are chaging their attitude. Because they are using the feeling the teens get from the technology and putting it into their own life. Also using it on other people cause they arent thinking about what they are doing to other people and just themselves.
i feel like studentsc could be more nice and polite to teachers because some of use can be kind cruel to the teachers, and phones have not made it any better with all the cyber bulling.
Yes, I do think teenagers are more impolite but most adults dont teach either kids to be polite or have manners. they could be more polite by having parents teach them manners and polite. Electronics are definitely making kids less polite because other kids are mean on social media so they are mean back and its a whole cycle. teens want to seem "cool" so they will participate in these trends sometimes to rebel from their parents.
I think teens are more disrespectful than before because most parents don't really watch their childrens behavior anymore. I think parents should spend more time teaching their kids manners and how to be respectful when they are growing up. Yes, because it is easier to be mean to people when you are not face to face and are just talking through the screen. When kids watch trends they think it makes it ok to do the same thing to others.
I think teens could be a lot more polite but most parents don't teach kids how to be polite anymore. electronics are definitely making kids less polite because they don't have the real life interactions and most kids are so mean on their phone. they listen to the trend more then their parents half the time.
I think teens are more impolite because phones and electronics make it so they can be impolite whenever they want. Teens could be more polite by putting more effort in and being more polite online. Electronics are definetly a part of making people more impolite, but probably not the entire reason. Trends are affecting teens because they think since other people are doing it its ok.
I think that teens are not as polite as they once where because of how society has changed. I personally think that technolgy has taken over peoples actions because of the acts online. Also i think that parents are getting lazy about teaching there kids manners.