
M O N D A Y - 


Central- germany, austria -hungary, ottoman empire (turkey)

Allies- britain, america, japan, russia, italy, france


Militarism, imperialism, nationalism, economic competition


Arch Duke Frans was killed, future king of Bosnia Herzogovina, and the serbian nationalists didn't want him beause they didnt wanna be apart of the country. Black hands killed him then


countries wanted land from each other. 


Be able to list a weapon. 

identify us policy that wilson declared when WWI broke out in 1914

identify why us was drawn into war and why we drew closer to the allied powers 

analyze wwi propagands 

kep people:

george creel =in charge of propagands

40 million casualties (allied lost more people)

- Lusitainia sank, Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare

sussex pledge- stop attacking unarmed ships or us is gonna go to war w you, germany says okay we'll stop sinking passanger ships, and we'll give time to evacuate, lasted for 10 months

Zimmerman note: 

  • Germany tried to get Mexico to declare war on the United States.
  • Germany promised Mexico that they would get the Mexican Cession back if they won
  • Germany wanted to keep the US out of Europe

Beliefs of war hawks (jingoes)

- Teddy Roosevelt, Leonard Wood

- Trade with England increased and Germany decreased as years went on


  • The US became economically tied to the war and making sure Great Britain won
  • United States lent Germany 27 million dollars from 1914-1917, while it lent the United Kingdom and its allies 2.3 billion dollars during the same period
  • 5. British and American Propaganda swayed public opinion against Germany   
  • 6. Preparedness Program (1915)
  • U.S. started arming and preparing for war
  • Pushed by Teddy Roosevelt and Leonard Wood
  • Opposed by President Wilson at first-Why?

 T U E S D A Y -

Be able to identify the importance of key people: Woodrow Wilson, John Pershing, Bernard Baruch, Herbert Hoover, George Creel

Be able to identify the costs of the war: US and grand total



Be able to identify the actions we took at home to mobilize our country for war


W E D N E S D A Y-

Paris Peace Conference

    • Conference that dealt with central powers after WWI
    • 1919, involved more than 29 countries




      • Great Britain, Italy, France, US
    • WILSON'S 14 POINTS: Speech was intended to assure the country that the Great War was being fought for moral reasons not imperialism
    • Other allied countries did not like the 14 points as they thought it was too easy on Germany
  1. End secret treaties
  2. Freedom of the seas
  3. Free trade for all countries
  4. Disarmament
  5. End to colonial claims


  1. Self determination for all countries (Russia)
    1. Russia became communist
  2. Restoration of Belgium
  3. Restoration of France
  4. Readjustment of Italy’s boundaries
  5. Austria-Hungary would be given opportunity for autonomous development
  6. Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro, should be evacuated and restored
  7. Turkey should be a sovereign (independent)
  8. Poland would be given their independence
  9. The “League of Nations” would be developed

Treaty Of Versailles

  • Treaty that officially ended the war with Germany
    • Territorial
    • A BUNCH of land was taken away from Germany
      • Land lost from France, Belgium, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Poland
      • The Saar, Danzig and Memel were put under the control of the League of Nations and the people of these regions would be allowed to vote to stay in Germany or not in a future referendum.
      • The League of Nations also took control of Germany's overseas colonies.
      • Germany had to return to Russia land taken in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Some of this land was made into new states : Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. An enlarged Poland also received some of this land
    • Military:
      • Basically reduce their military
      • Germany found loopholes until Hitler came into power and just said f-it all
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