12/10 - 12/14

Monday - 

Roman Religion (Government and religion were linked, many gods camr from some aspect of greek gods, polytheistic, the emperors were thought to be decendents of gods, many many gods)

Rise of Christianity (roman gods were impersonal and was practiced with very little emotion, rome took over the jewish land of israel around 63 BCE which introduced christianity to the roman empire, They broke off from judaism and was based on the life and teachings of jesus as well as his death and resurrection, as jesus traveled preaching many people started following him)

Why were poeople attracted to Christianity (Embraced all people, gave hope to the powerless, appealed to people who were repelled by the extravagances of imperial rome, offered a personal relationship with a loving god, promised eternal life after death)

Rome's Reaction (rome persecuted christians as they did not worship the roman gods, roman emperor constantine named christianity one of the roman empires religions in 313 AD after winning a battle where he believed the christian god intervened, in 380 AD roman emperor theodosius made christianity the empire's official religion)

Early Christian Issues (as time went on there were growing disagreements between christians in regards to beliefs, the new testament was added to the hebrew old testament to make the christian bible which helped unify christians, they then wrote the nicene creed in 325 AD constantine further unified the teachings of christianity, in nicaea, church leaders wrote the nicene creed, which defined the basic beliefs of the church)

The Fall of the Roman Empire (Generally people agree that the end of the reign of the emperor marcus aurelius marked the end of two centuries of peace and prosperity and the roman empire)

Main causes (internal problems and conflicts, separation of the roman empire into east and west, Outside invations)

Diocletian splits the empire (diocletian was a strong ruler that brought law and order back to the empire, he thought that the empire had grown too large and too complex for one ruler, he divided the empire into two, he took the eastern half for himself and appointed a co ruler for the west)

Constantine (atook control of the western part of the roman empire in 312 AD and also took control of the eastern part 12 years later, united the empire during his reign and moved the capital from rome to Byzantium changing the name of the city to constantinople, huge walls were built around constantinople to protect it from barbarians, after his death the empire went back to two parts, the byzantine empire would last until 1453 when the ottoman turks took the area over)

Germanic Invasions

Tuesday - 

Germanic tribes moved into the roman empire due to the huns moving into their territory, the germanic tribe attacked and took over areas throughout the empire and eventually sacked rome itself in 410 AD

The Huns (the huns moved into europe from central asia and battled the germanic tribes, under attila the huns invaded both parts of the roman empire, the huns attacked over 70 cities but couldn't get past the walls of constantinople, attila the hun died in 453 AD and so did the hun's power

Fall of the western roman empire (political, people in office got lazy, military conflicts in politics, division of empire, moving of capital, social, decline in interest, lack of patriosim, low confidence, economic, poor harvests, disruption of trade, no more war plunder, gold and silver drain, inflation, crushing tax burden, military, problems recruting people, lack of loyalty, immediate cause, invasion by germanic tribes and by the huns

Last roman emperor (the lst roman emperor was romulus augustulus a 14 year old boy, he was ousted by german forces in 476 AD and rome fell, the eastern roman empire contuned and flourished, after rome fell europe fell into the dark ages

Wednesday - 

Middle Ages

What Happemed the Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire (the byzatine empire became a center for trade, germanic tribes conqured rome, eutope was plagued by constant warfare, warfare then disrupted trade, destroyed europe cities and forced people to rural areas, learning declined, few people could read or write, greco roman culture was forgotten, europe lost a common language latin mixed with local languages to form spanish, french, italian

Disruption of trade (roman authority broke down and with it went the protection of trade, without roman power and protection roads and trade routes were no longer safe, without trade and commerce the economy tanked, money became scarce

Downfall of cities (because of disruption of trade cities were no longer the vital economic centers they once were, when roman aurhority broke down cities were no longer needed as centers of government, people left

decline of learning (people could not read or write, language stated becoming important, but they lacked a writing system, important info was all in latin or greek

Delcine of infrastructure (public works fell into disrepair, germanic leaders didn't destroy them, they didn't see the need to maintain them or spend the money to do so

Germanic tribes, germanic tribes focused on family, every germanic chief led a band of warriors who had pledged their loyalty to him, germanic tribes had lots of loyalty to their lords but not the king

The church (Catholic church was the centralized institution that remained from the roman empire, it was also the only literate one, literacy was necessary for the practive of the religion, so the clergy was able to read, provided some stability in the chaos of the dark ages

Thursday - 

Clovis did what (brought christianity to the germanic franks (modern day france), he also unified france)

Pope Gregory (the great) - Expanded the popes role to not just spiritual but also secular

Charles martel (the hammer) - martel extended frankish territory in all directions, he also dedeated the muslims in battle

Pepin the Short - Became the first king of the Carolingian Dynasty, he asked the pope who he thought should be king, pepin is martels son, the pope sais that he should be king

Carolingian Empire- was started by pepin the short and is modern day france

Charlemagne - expanded the carolingian empire, became bigger and stronger than the byzatine empire, he became emperor, pope leo was kidnapped and charlemagne helped him escape, as a thank you pope leo crowned him emperor of the holy roman empire,strengthened france

holy roman empire - germany, france, part of italy 


Pope gregory 

Charles Martel (the hammer(

Battle of Tours

Pepin the short

Carolingian Empire


Holy Roman Empire

Treaty of Verdun

Friday - 

Feudalism (King, Nobles, Knights, Peasants, it was im gonna give you land and you are gonna give me loyalty)

Feudalism was the political, social and economic system of europe during the middle ages feudalism began in europe as a way to offer protection to people, king would give land in exchange for loyalty, king took 20 percent the church took 25 percent nobles/lords/barons took 50 percent knights took 5 precent, the serfs worked the land


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