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12-3 12-7

 launched grenades or small bombs short distances. Since most focus had been on long-range artillery, mortars had fallen out of favour.they could be fired from the safety of a trench,Mortars were often used to target machine-gun nests, sniper positio

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World war 1 started 1914 ended 1918, ww1 part 1 objectives

How it started

When the Spanish-American war ended, Spain ceded the Philippians from the US

Fighting broke out two days after

Americans wanted to annex the Philippines because it had commercial o

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Hawaii/Alaska the us purchased alaska from russia for 7.2 million dollars, gold rush starting in 1897 increased united states land mass by 20%


Gold rush 30,000-40,000 went to dawson

15,000-20,000 became prospectors looking for gold

Less than 4,000 stru

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Chapter 1 and 2


World History Introduction Ch-1


  • George washington university paleoanthropologist bernard wood
  • Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
  • What is world history bc before christ, ad anno domini
  • Before christ and anno domini( lat
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