12-3 to 12-7

3rd - Today we went over some more WW1 weapons.

4th - Absent

5th - Today I went over my WW1 weapon, the Lee Enfield. We then reviewed the test from last week.

The causes of World War One (MINES) were militarism, imperialism, nationalism, economic competition, the System of Alliances. THe chain of events was, the assasination of Archduke Ferdinand, Austria-Hungart sends ultimatum to Serbia. Serbia refuses the tltimatum and in turn Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia after Germany gives them carte blanche.

6th - Chains of events leading to outbreak of war: Assasination of Archduke Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary sends ultimatum to Serbia, Serbia refuses to accept ultimatum, Austria-Hungary declares awar on Serbia after Germnay gives them carte blance, russia mobilizes to support Servia, Germany declares war on Russia (wanted to knof Russia out of war quickly to avoid two front war), France enters war to help Russia, Great Britain enters war to help France. 

The WW1 War Goals: France wanted to regain land from Germany, create an independant Rhineland, Cripple Germany, get German colonies in Africa, get Turk colonies in the Mid-East. Great Britain wated German colonies in Africa and Turk colonies in the Mid-East. Rusia wanted control of the Dardanelle and Straits in Turkey. Austria-Hungary wanted to survive. Germany wated part of France, Luxembourg, Belgium, western Russia, they wanted to make Austria-Hungary and the Ballans a "Sphere of influence", take over French and British colonies in Africa. The United States wanted to win and make the world safe for democracy. Wilson's 14 points.

Wilson declared that the US was to be neutral when WW1 broke out. The US was very upset with both sides of the war. This was because the German sinking of British/French ships and killing of US citizen on those ships. Wilson issued an ultimatum to the Germans: End the attack on unarmed ships or risk war.  The Sussex Pledge promised for Germany to end sinking of passenger ships and search merchant ships for contra band and make provisions for passengers. Germany abides by it for 10 months , but then Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare in early 1917.

7th - The Committee on Public Information was in charge of American propaganda. It had a goal to influence US publuc to support World War 1 in their onewn way. The committee used newsprint, posters, radio, telegraph and movies to broadcast its message. Most propaganda was to enlist in the military, buy war bonds, conserve food, encourage patriotism, dehumanize the enemy, and add a sense of urgency. We went over propaganda.

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