Broke the record for longest government shut down with 23 days. investigation is going on about the election between Trump and Russia. People think that the president is helping the Russian government which is unheard of. This might be the biggest scandal in US history. Trump is claiming that he's tougher on Russia than anyother president. There was attemps to cover up 28 of his meetings he had with Russia.
Trump gave winning national champian team fast food instead of a meal. Some think it's unperfessional but others think it's fine. He paid for it himself and it was about 3,000 dollars. Anatartica ice melt has accelerated by 280% in the last four years. Democrats believe that it's human causing it while Rebublicans think it's just a natural thing. Coastal areas are what's mostly going to be affected while the middle states shouldn't be. The sea levels are rising which is why it will affect the coasts. The melting is getting faster and scientists are stating that we need to do something to change it. The oceans are also taking in more heat than ever. The tempetures are higher than we expected. Oceans are absorbing 60% more heat than we thought. Many democrats see trump as a climate change denier and a denier of science. China will be affected most by rising water levels The Netherlands is most at risk. Find deffinition of Mixed Economy.
ISIS is shrinking which is why we're pulling out of Seria. Some American service members were killed by ISIS recently. They were killed by a suicice bomb. People aren't sure when the soilders in Seria are coming home. We are still sending air strikes and we aren't coming home until ISIS is gone. 2,000 troops are in Seria right now and they will all be coming home soon. Third parties almost never get elected into government. There are third parties because they don't believe in the opinions of the Repeblicans and Democrats. Dictatorship = a person that is in complete power of a country. Direct Democracy = A government where people have a say if something happens or not. Representative Democracy = A government where people elect representatives that vote for them. Absolute Monarchy = Where the king or queen has absolute power over the country. Constitutional Monarhcy = They have a constitution writen designed to limit the king or queen's power. Communsim in Theory = . Communism in Practice = The government is in complete control and they might provide you with things but you lose your freedoms.
There is already a list of 10 people that might run for president. Texas is becoming more democratic because of all the imigrants moving in. Beto O'Rourke is a really good canidate for the Democrates in this upcoming 2020 election. He hasn't announced that he's running though. Most that ahve declared that they are running are Democratic women with only about one or two being male. Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's lawyer, was paid thousands to rig the polls in Trump's favor in 2016. Polls are used to figure things out. Random Sampling = when you call random people across the entire country and ask them what they're voting for. Margin of error = the fact that not all the counculation will be right and that some may have less or more votes.