January 14th to January 18th

Monday- Today the 1920's did the presenting. 

Electricity and Applinces-

Be able to describe major inventions in the 1920's.

Be able explain what changed in the 1920's

-Fanklin, Volta, Faraday, Telsla and Edison.

-These were the eariler people that worked with electricity.




-Lie Detector

-Instant camera

-Turning siginal.


The first brodcast was on election night.

Disscused how Warren Harden won the election

150 dollars to buy it in the 1920

Traffic Siginal-

There needed to be a stop and go.

Sold to general electric 


Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler were the big brands

1928 1 out of 13 families had a car

1929 4 out of 5 families had a car.

1925 10% of the workforce was involved in the car industry.

Changes in the 1920's

Things were made for the rich up until the  1920's

Then, common people could now buy a car if they wanted. 


Be ables to identy the polices given by the presidents

Normalcy Return normal ways of life before world war one

Trickle Down Theory- Tax breaks to the rich and then the money will "trickle" down through better jobs.


Remain alone and away from everyone else

Isolate from forigen affiars

Focus on our own problems

Laissez Faire

18th Amendment

Production and sale of liquors was illegal. 

21st Amendment 

This amendment stopped the 18th and liquor was brought back. 


Crime rates went down and other drugs became illegal.

Many wifes didn't want liquors due to husbands and factories did not was liquors

They favored the 18th amendment.

Al Capone

One of Chicago's biggest gang leaders.

He was sent to jail for small little things

He had 215,00 dollars to pay on taxes.

Bad guy.

50,000 charges

and 8,000 court charges.

Released early for good behavior

1946 they found out he had a low mentaltiy. 

Tuesday- The 1920's continued to present today.

Speakeasies Illegal drinking dens. 

It would say that they sold "soft drinks"

There is a code to get in. 

Bootlegging- how they referred to illegal manufactering. 

Women Rights

Describer the new women of the 1920's 

19th Amendment-

Gave women the right to vote and overall made women more confident.

The women are now gettting more education.


These peopel were rebillious and they went to go out to drink.

Used to wear long clothes but now wear short skirts.

Jazz music was very popular 

New Age for Women-

Not as many housewives.

Still a lot of women living at home but most were getting education.

Magaret Sanger

This women allowed birth control for women. 

She really wanted birth control becasue her mom had 11 kids and 6 misscarriges

In 1921 she started the birth control league.

Wednesday- 1920's continued to present.


I can explain the tea pot dome scandel.

Explain who won the elections of 1920.

Warren G Harding

Won by a landslide and he wanted to america be like it was before

He was born in 1865.

He was a publiser and editor

He was the ohio state sentor

United States sentor 

He wasn't "ready" to be president

James M. Cox

Born in 1870


Governor of Ohio

He help adopt direct primaries.

He wanted to take care of other countries and not just focus on America. 

1924 Election

Calvin Cooidge

"Silent Cal"

He thought governmnet should stay out of bussinesses 

John W. Davis

He was very bland 

Connected his campain to William Jennings Bryan. 

Coprate Lawyer

1928 Election

R- Herbert C. Hoover

Continue the economic boom

He was herd good on the radio

He won in a landslide

Born in Iowa

Started as a mining enjneer

"Hoover Lunches"

Send food over to Europe

Alfred E Smith

First Roman cathlic president.

The people didn't want change. 

Born in New York

"The Happy Warrior"

Teapot Dome Scandel

In Californa

Oil was set aside just in case of another World War.

Harding Affairs

Wife of one of his best friends

Lasted 6 years.

Disagree on stances of the war.


Called the roaring 20's

Incresed taxes on forigen goods

Mass production. 

New products on the market. 

Buying on credit

It is a buy now and pay later.

Caused people to buy more things


Put a tax on forgein goods. 


Red Scare

What is communism and why were Americans scared of it


Political party

Give money from rich to poor. 

An the taxes for the rich are higher. 

Red Scare

The fear of Communism

Russia left WW1 to fight communism

Big pressure on European countries

Americans were afraid that Russia would take over America.

Palmer Raids

He was the USA attorney general.

Look in houses for any signs of Communism

If anything was found, you would be marked red.


Popular Sports were baseball and boxing


Curly hair

Called flappers

Dressed differently


Flag pole sitting

Sit on a flag pole for as long as u want

Movies were cheap and very popular.

Charlie Chaplin was the biggest actor.


Jazz music was very popular


Oranges and Lemons

and Baked ham









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