Monday - went over scopes and monkey trial as well as the electricity gangsters and the prohibition
Tuesday - talked about the the government shutdown as well as some of the politics from the 1920s
Tuesday - The republican mostly believed in small governments trickle down theory thought that the wealth will trickle down to the workers which made tax cuts as well as the money saved it will explain which means that investors buy more banks lend more which leads to more employment. the republicans beleive in laissez faire which means that the government has to let businesses run themselves rugged individualism which is the belief that the government should not interfere with an individuals beliefs. Isolationsim keep out f foreign affairs and normalcy is the idea that we had to not be apart of foreign affairs Harding decreased the unemployment rate by half ended us involvement in ww1 passed budget and accounting act. presidents now have to give a budget report. coolidge gave native americans citezenship and regulated radio use and reduced high war time tax raes.
wednesday - didn't have any sound in the 20s movies and charlie chaplin was the largest actor for the times. 1920s food sucked and there was nothing but jelly and nothing but veggies and coffee and less meat and more greens. we men had better clothing as we had zero corsets and zero flapper dresses.
Thursday - Womens rights and stuff the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote and was passed the 18th of 1920 until the amendment was passed only men could vote. 20 percent of women had jobs lots of jobs in medicine women went to colege but not very often and often times just became secretaries or nurses and stopped working after they get married. birth control was used more and more and wanted social reform to become legal. people were really cocerned with teens becoming pregnant at young ages nd were afraid of self induced abortions. what were the main political scandals of the 920s and I can explain the 1920 24 and 18 us elections. two companies did not put in a substantial bid to use the fields. the secretary of interior was the one that was taking bribes from the companies. warren g harding had affairs with four different women who were close friends of his wife and also had affairs with office workers. accused of being in the ku klux klan.