People would hide their alcohol in wine barrels. 18th Amendment banned the selling, making, or transportation of alcohol. People wanted prohibition because men would lose their jobs because of alcohol, women would get beaten by their husbands, crime and poverty were a problem due to drunks. There were also many casualties due to over drinking. Carry Nation would go to saloons and destroy beer barrels to push for prohibition. Al Capone (gangster)- quit school and illegally sold alcohol (Bootlegging). Prohibition was kind of an experiment to see what would happen... it didn't go too well. What was prohibition?- The banning of selling, making or transporting of alcohol. How did prohibition affect America?- There was an increase in crime rate.
We discussed the government shutdown, what it is, what a partial shut down is, who it affects, why it happens, etc. Trickle Down Theory- Benefits going to the wealthy will trickle down to workers. Such as tax cuts. The money saved will expand businesses which results in more employment, the banks lend more out, and investors buy more. Laissez Faire - (refers to economic system). Rugged Individualism- The belief that people can succeed on their own without help with the government. Isolationism - Keeping out of foreign affairs. President Harding- Decreased unemployment rate by 1/2. Advocated for anti-violence bills for African Americans. He died in his 3rd year. President Coolidge- Signed the Indian Citizen Act and the Radio act to regulate radio use. He appointed Dawes to make an agreement on Germany's WW1 reparations-War payment plan. He also reduced the high war time tax rates.
What were some main forms of entertainment in the 1920's? - Movies (silent until 1928) Music- Jazz and speakeasies (places where people could dance, talk, listen to music, and drink illegally). Baseball games were very popular and the newspaper created a section solely for it. Radios were practically in every household.
How did the flapper girls affect women's fashion? - Women wore pants and knitted jackets and skirts. They no longer wore Corsets.
How has food changed since then? - Recipes with alcohol were altered due to prohibition. People drank coffee. More sweet comfort foods. There were more fruity cocktails and jellos.