Monday: talked about forum post leader stories, started presentation
Lauren 1920 Red Scare: communism-everything is owned by the people and everyone is equal(gov. takes over), feared to lose the right to own land, practice own religion, speak/act as they wish
Bolshevism: communism in Russia, Immigrants came to the U.S. to get rid of Bolshevism and anarchism(fixing problem byself-vigilante)
Causes: labor strikes, anarchist threats, Bolshevik revolution, ww1- nationalism/anti-immigration
Sacco and Vanzetti Case: put on trial for murder and robbery/ Italian immigrants and anarchists/non-conclusive evidence
found guilty, conviction due to 'radical anarchist beliefs', questioning police actions, perjury of witnesses (New evidence found later -Celestino Madeiros/ but Sacco and Vanzetti were still put to death
Palmer Raids: led by Attorney General Palmer, were violent and deportation, abusing law enforcement power, to arrest anarchists/communists
Johnson Reed Act: limited number of immigrants allowed into U.S., 2 percent of each nationality were granted visas, Asian immigrants not allowed at all, followed the Immigration Act of 1917-first restrictive immigration act
(I presented)
Tuesday: Karl Marx founder of communism current communist countries: North Korea, China, Cuba, Vietnam and one by it
continued presenting (me),
Harlem Renaissance: (Harlem neighborhood in New York City, Renaissance =rebirth) rebirth of African American culture, a developing of African American culture, specifically in creative arts, very influential for African Americans. Causes: Great Migration-moved to Harlem neighborhood in NYC. created NAACP (national association for the advancement of colored people)
Flourishing of African American culture in these aspects: Literature, fashion, music, art, clubs-Cotton club(famous club in Harlem, speakeasy-illegal bar people would drink and listen to music) (moved north)
Ku Klux Klan: rose up again because of Harlem Renaissance, membership exceeded 4,000,000 nationally, members would participate in burnings, parades, marches, dressed in white sheets, used violence to get their way, attacked Roman Catholics, Jews, Foreigners, and organized labor, feared the immigration coming from the Bolshevik triumph
talked about shutdown
Wednesday: presentation continue, Model T in the Automobile industry, "Big Three" Ford General Motors, and Chrysler, Model T, absent of tariffs, affordable, Henry Ford basically is known for model T, electricity and appliances, Electricity for rich early on, took off during 1920. wasn't big in urban areas, water wheel/dynamo, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, the thing used to make coffee
Prohibition and Gangsters: prohibition, banned production of alcohol -to reduce crime, solve social problems, improve health, reduce tax burden created by prisons- women wanted prohibition, factory owners - 30 percent decrease then years passed and it skyrocketed, bootlegging: illegally making alcohol and selling it - Gangs : Al Capone: most famous for bootlegging - video
Thursday: make a google doc with all key questions, presentations: economy booming, household items, buying on credit(allows the lower class to buy big items; paying it over time), stock market trading, industries- late 20's a lot of debt, 1920 5.2 percent unemployment rate, installment buying
Women Right to Vote: 1820's various reform groups grew across the U.S., Seneca Falls Convention- Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, 300 people, national Woman Suffrage Association, August 26, 1920- 19th amendment: the right to vote- 8 million women voted, Birth control: Margaret Sanger, became popular,
Friday: no school, snow day