1-14-1-18 US History Notes


-Explain the causes of the booming stock market

explain the 1924 election

--World War I benefited the USA

-Kept buying from European Markets after the war- 

- McCumber Tariff 1922

- Laissez Faire

- People could buy higher priced items using installing plans

- High Tarrifs

- Calvin Coolidge/ credited for Booming Ecnonmy won and went agianst John Davis/ was corrupt won 382-186

- Wanted better life for citizens- progressive

-wanted republicans to stay in office

- Harding's Accomplishments

- Know the biggest impact that Harding had on the country

- 29th President (1921-1923)

- Major  impact was reducing the unemployment by 50%

- He raised tariifs and lowered taxes

- Signed the Peace Treaty after WW1 between the US and Germany and Australia

- Didn't get America into the League of Nations

- Fought for anti-viloence and for African Americans/ civil rights

- He entered handful of treaties between many countries

- He died of a Heart Attack

- He was with his wife and talking about his next speech and he choked and died in front of her

- People on tour said he looked sick but his doctor said he was in good health


It's the 24th day of the government shutdown and we talked how it impacts people

- Prohibition

- What was Prohibition and what caused it?

What was the importance of Gangsters?

- Everyone drank and it was normal

- Lots of abuse when men came home drunk

-Manufacure sale and Transport of Acholic Beverages

- 1920/1933 Ratifcatin of 18th ammendment

- Discrimination caused it, also the 16th ammendmnet taxes on liquor and the crime rate and abuse

- Women's Suffrage cvilize lifestyle and thought it was religous and unholy

- Temperance- a movement to drink less/ treatment of prisoners/ care for mental ill, slavery, world peace, rights

- Gangsters

- Black Market and battleground competition and crime increased 24%/ italain and chicago

- 1920 election

- Warren G Harding- President

- He was a senator for Ohio

- didn't want to be dragged in wars

- James M Cox

- Was Govenor of Ohio was for league of nations 

- wanted to be prepared


I can understand diffrent living habits and cultures of the 1920's

- Beads and feather and bobbed hairstyles

- Mary jane or T Heels

- Pearls were very popular

- House dress and thick  black cotton stockings and low oxford heels and aprons

- mornings would put on robe or smoking jacket

- upper class 3 peice suit

- dinner and parties be formal

- Street wear- simple but high formal same as work wear

- gangsters and wore 3 pieces suit

- white spats over boots also walking cane or rolled umbrella

- City wore navy, hrey, tan and olive green

Country wore white in summer yellow red blue and light grey

- Americans loved to disobey

- Party Clothing, semi formal or formal and lighter in color, hosting tea party cant wear hats

- Cheap causual food rise to modern dining

- Ice salons and soda shops

- Salads and molded salads and pastry pigs

- Turkeys, pig sausage, mashed potaoes, lemon cakes with tea

- Marbles, jacks, house, Horseshoes Hokum and Tiddely Winks

- Baby Ruth, Charleston Chews, Butterfingers, Brit O Honey

- Horror, romance and spy movies were common

- Dancing, Tango, Waltz, Lindy Hop, Charleston

- Major sports were baseball, boxing and horse racing

- Radio was popular

- Thursday

Babe ruth and hourse racing very popular 

1922 when the radio spanned out

600 radio stations and started ub 1920 KDA radio station

- Lots of clubs, speakeasy, kept moving around, codes to get in

- Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Count Basie

- Nearly 100 years wanted the right to vote

- Many men didn't want women to vote and shouldn't have a right to vote

- Marched in parades, hgaves soeecges abd argued over and over

- AUgust 26, 1920 19th ammendment right to vote

-More than 8 milliion women that voted across the united states

- Susan B Anthony and ELizabeth Cady Stanton Womens right movement

- Ida B wells- journalist that wrote about the condition african american throughout the South

- Lucy Stone- leader in the American Woman suffrage assocation

- Prhoibited from jobs where men could be negaticely influence women's behaivor

- Couldn't work while pregnant and couldn't work night shifts, can't do taxi drivers, pool hall workers, or bowling alley, employees

- Couldn't wear what they wnted knee length henlines bobbed haircuts

- Didn't have equal pay and they couldn't have a credit card 

Friday- No school

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