Electricity - Lightbulbs were created in 1880 but electricity was more commonly used later on. Thomas Edison - first lightbulb (Direct Current). Nikolas Tesla - Alternating Current (AC). Ac is what was more widely used and what we use today. Made chores easier. Big entertainment, films, telephones, Radios. Better for buisness. Fords electric assembly line helped make a cheaper, more efficient assembly line. Everyday people could have cars.
Scopes Monkey Trials - Formally known as "The state of Tennessee vs. John Thomas Scopes". In 1925, John Scopes disobeyed the law. The American Civil Liberties Union hired Clarence Darrow to back up Scope. The World Christian Fundamentalist Association hired William Jennings Bryan to assist the prosecuter. Scopes was found Guilty, lst his job and had to pay a fine. Darrow proved that the bible could not be taken literally. 35 Years later, movies and books were released, giving the trial more publicity. US courts wanted a seperation of Church and State. 1967 the butler act (prohibited the theory of evolution to be taught in school) was repealed.
Prohibition - Lasted from 1920-1933. The banning of alchoholic beverages. 18th Amendment. Alchoholism supporters-Drys. Violence within the family caused people to want prohibition. Crime, poverty, casualties all pushed for prohibition. Women were the biggest pushers of prohibition. Carry Nation would go to saloons and break beer bottles. Her husband was a alchoholic that beat her when he was drunk. Al Capone was from Chicago and moved to New York. Was a bootlegger. Speakeasy - hidden bars. Only Amendement to be repealed. During prohibition crime rates went way up which led to the amendemnt being repealed.
Politics - Republican Philosophy. Theory that benefits going to the wealthy will trickle down to the workers. Such as Tax Cuts, the moeny saved will expand buisnesses. Investors buy more, Banks lend more, more employment. Laissez-Faire - refers to economic system. Hands off, lIttle interference in affairs of indivduals and society. Part of free market. Goverentment will not have meany regulations on buisness. Rugged Individualism - Belief that people can succeed on their own with minimal help from the government. Isolationism - keeping out of forign affairs. Normacly - Hardings "return to normalcy" after WWI Had a lot of progressive polotics and forign intervention. Go back to the familiar. Accomplishments. Harding - decreased unemployment rate by 50%. Advocated for anti-violence bills for Africans Americans. Budget and Accounting Act of 1921- bureau and annual budget. Died in his 3rd year from a heart attack. Coolidge - Signed the Indian Citizen act. Radio Act of 1927 - regulate radio use. Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 - No wars. Significantly reduced the high war time tax rates. Appointed Dawes to make an agreement on Germany's WW1 reparations-war Payment Plan. Passed public Buildings act. Contract Air mail Act. Passed Air Commerce Act.
Entertainment - What were some of the main forms of entertainments in the 1920s? How has food changed since then? CInema - Often went to movie twice a week.CHarlie Chaplin was the biggest star of the silent movies. The Jazz singer was the first talkie movie. New york was the center of film productions until 1910 when D.W. Griffith filmed in Old California. After that hollywood became the center of movies buisness. Steamboat willie: first cartoon that used music and sound effects in 1928 (innovation). Music - THe music industry was just begging to form. Acoustical recording process thanks to gramophones. Jazz was the most popular type of music. Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington. Speakeasies: places where people could dance, talk, listen to music, and drink illegally. Facts - Baseball games became so popular that national newspaper created a sports section for it. Great migration of African Americans. Radios became common in peoples homes. Kids would play with marbles, jump,rope, baseball, tags. Food - Was time of wealth and prohibition. Recipes with alchohol were modified or discarded. Vegetarian options became more common. More sweet comfort foods. More people drank coffee. Spring and summer foods ere mo39% re vegtables adn fresh foods. Fall and winter food - more warm and hearty foods. Womens clothing - Skirts and leather, simple dresses.Mens Clothing -Dress pants, blazers, sweaters, Tophats, Overalls. Popular dances - Tengo, Walz, Charleston, Black bottom, Shimmy.
Womens Rights and Freedom - What does Womens rights really mean? Who are the Flapper Girls and what impact did they make? What did the 19th amendment state? 19th amendment granted women the right to vote. August 18th, 1920. In 1848 the movement was launched. Stanton and Mott, Susan B Anthony and other activists raised public awareness to grant women the right to vote. Work for Women - 21% of women had jobs. Examples of jobs, store sales clerks, working the land, office work, Telephone switchboard operators, jobs in medicine(nurses). Statistics in college - Women were being educated, not as well as men. All girl colleges were established. 39% of women went to college. Higher education led to secrataries, teachers, nurses, etc. Many women quit working after marriage. Birth Control - Social reform began in 1914. Increase the avaliability of contraception ( prevent pregnancy) educated and legalize. Emma Goldman, Mary Dennett and margaret Sanger. Concerned about the hardships of childbirth and self induced abortions. In 1916 - Sanger opened the first birth control clinic in the US. Flapper Girls - Young women with short haricuts, mak-up, adn a new scandolous dress to the length of their knees. Young western women wore short skirts with bobbed hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their need of respect towards others.
Polotics #2 - I can describe the reuslts of the 1920 1924 and 1928 elections. Teapot dome scandle was a oil feild used by the US Navy. Many wanted to use it for its valuable oil source. Two companies began to use the oil in the feilds. Senate began an investigation on these two companies. Albert B.Fall Hardings secratary of interior was the man behind the taking of oil. He took bribes from both companies in exchange for the right to cultivate the oil. Shocked Americans: unprecedented level of greed and corruption within the federal goverenment. Warren G. Harding scandles. Harding had his own affaris with 4 different women that were friends of his wife. Shared very intimate letters with them. Also had an affair with his office aid. Harding was also accused of being a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Vetrans Bureau Scandal. Charles R. Forbes appointed as head. President Harding. Was an organization that dealt with medical care of war veterans. Forbes made secret deals. Giving contractors land for less than is was actually worth. Elections - Dominated by the aftermath of world war 1. Wilson hoped the 1920s election would be a refrendum on his leaugue of nations. An era of republican leadership. Nationalistic and fundamentalist movements. Changing social conventions. 1924 election. Coolidge became president in 1923 after Harding died. Coolidge restored integrity in the white house. Frank Lowden was nominated but refused. 1928 election - Coolidge decided he didn't want to run for a second term. Herbert Hoover was nominated. Acceptance speech was majorly focused on poverty.