Jan 14th-18th

Jan 14th-18th

Monday- Start Going over the 1920's Statements 

Describe some major inventions in the 1920's 

1920-First U.S. Radio

1921-Adhesive Bandage, Lie Detector

1922-Electric Blender

1923-Traffic Signal, Instant Camera


1926-Garage Door opener

1927-Bread Slicer, Pressure Washer

1929-Frozen Food

The First Radio Broadcast was on election night, and it discussed the results of the election

In 1918, one out of 13 families had a car 

in 1929, 4 out of 5 families had cars 

in 1925, 10% of the workforce was involved with the industry. 

The changes were that manufactured items became more purchasable for the common man. 

Normalcy-wanted the U.S. to return to the normal way of life after WWI

This was Warren G. Harding's campaign policy, and it achieved his bid for presidency 

Isolationism- to remain alone or stray away from foreign afairs. they did this from creating high import taxes, which helped limit foreign entanglement, which helped up focus on out own problems. 

Policies- Laissez Faire (Hands Off) The presidents during the 1920's would leave the economy to their own peoples choices ,and would not interfere. Trickle Down Theory-Benefits for the wealthy, which would have more investors buy stocks. This would have banks increase spending.

Rugged Individualism- Not depending on the governments, which would have people solve problems themselves, which may lead to working harder.

Speakeasies-Illegal Drinking Dens, sold "soft drinks" 

The speak-easy itself was a code so it would not be known to a lot of people. 

Bootlegging- the illegal manufacturing and sales of liquor. 

 Communism-A political party, all property and companies are owned by the government 

Red Scare- Fear of Communism

1917-Royal Family of Russia was overthrown and killed

1922-Russia becomes Soviet Union 

Americans were afriad that the USSR would take over the U.S. and remove their freedoms

1919- A series of 36 bomb explosions lead to a campaign against communists, which 6000 were arrested, and some were deported. 

Jazz Music was popular during the 1920's, especially because it was "roaring" 





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