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Sept 16-20


Test day


Test Day


Ancient Greece- Composed of City-States. 

Mythology- The study of myths. Myth- Stories about supernatural beings handed down orally from one generation to the next. Myths attempted to explain questions such as where the ear

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9/16 - 9/20



Wednesay- Notes


Mythology: Myths are stories about supernatural beings which were handed down orally from one generation to another.


Myths attempt to explain such things as: Nature- Where did earth come from? Heavons? Seasons?


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September 16-20

9/16/19- Indians owns everything then lost it all. Reservations. 23,000 acres are owned by indians. Dawes Act, gave land to Native American familiies(160 acres), ended tribal ownership of land, Those that agree to this will be granted US citizenship,

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Sept. 16-20

Monday- Dawes Act of 1887 was like the Native American Homestead Act. In 1930's they changed it back to how they wanted to live. Railroads helped settle the Great Plains. 1850- 1890 was when most railroads were made, which revolutionized America. Gra

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9/16-9/20 Notes

9/16/19-Today the fourm post leader told what they posted about and we continued going over our unit

9/17/19-We talked about our unit and the questions that would be on our test

9/18/19-We talked about our unit and the questions that would be on our te

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September 9-13

Monday 9/9

-talking about fourm post topics

-contiuned going over the US map

-watched a video about Dorian in the Bahamas

-watched a video on how hurricans form

-looked over the saffir-simpson scale(wind speeds)

-statred going over events of 9/11

-we are at

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September 9-13

We talked about Trump's plan. Taliban's being with afghanistan. We talked about how the Taliban started. They started when the Soviet Union took them over. We would give them food back them and they weren't bad. Also they freedom fighter's because of

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September 9-13

Monday- We went over the western part of the US map. We also talked about Hurricane Dorian. The Taliban allowed the Al-qaeda to train there.

Tuesday- We continues to go over the western US states and capitols, and we talked about 9/11. Al-qaeda hijake

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September 9 - September 13

MondayMr. Bruns continued with the PowerPoint and gave us an assignment. 


  • Narmer began the first ruling dynasty of Egypt
    • A dynasty is a group of rulers from the same family
  • Egypt was ruled by 31 different dynasties
  • These dynasties are divide
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Sept 9-13


 Egyptians beleived in the after life and in order for a person's spirit to make the jorney to the after life, they needed their bodies. So they embalmed the pharaohs (mumified). Body's organs were removed and salt dried out the body. The body was

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September 9-13

9/9/19- Ashton Kutcher is an actor, producer, investor, and model. born in cedar rapids and his girlfriend was murdered. Co-Founder of the foundation called THORN. THORN is about child sex trafficking and to stop it from happening online. He is in mu

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Sept. 9-13

Monday- Reveiw for test. Herbert Hoover- started the Hoover Dam, became president, limited food intake in civilians to feed troops. Ashton Kutcher- Actor, Thorn created to stop child trafficing. The Five Sullivan Brothers- Died on same ship, family c

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9/9-9/13 Notes

9/9/19-Today the fourm leaders told what their stories were, we reviewed the people we presented for the test 

9/10/19-Today we took the quiz over our presentations, and started talking about our next unit

9/11/19-We talked about 9/11 and what happened

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September 9/13


Dynasties- Narmer began the first ruling dynasty of egypt

A dynasty is a group of rulers from the same family

Egypt was ruled by 31 different dynasties

  • These dynasties are divided into three separate “kingdoms”

The old kingdom-2649 -2150 BCE


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September 9-13

Herbert Hoover- presdiant, hoover dam, bolder dam, head of the food administation 

Buffalo Bill Cody- Wild west shows, 

Norman Barlaug- won nobel pieace prize, for giving food around the world 

Johnny Carson- tonight show, comedian 

Tiny Lund- Race car d

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9/9 - 9/13

9/9- Going over captials of America. The Taliban allowed Al queda to train in Afgan. We invanded Afgan to set up a demarcritc gov. and to get Bin Laden. 

9/10- Going over the captials of America. Obama had gotten a lot of soldiers out of Irau and put

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September 2/6

Monday-No School


BC- Before Christ

AD- Anno Domini

BCE- Before Common Era

CE- Common Era

BC and BCE are the same

AD and CE are the same

Civilization- An advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry and govern

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September 2/6

Monday-No School


BC- Before Christ

AD- Anno Domini

BCE- Before Common Era

CE- Common Era

BC and BCE are the same

AD and CE are the same

Civilization- An advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry and govern

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September 3-6


-went over inro quiz

-talked about fourm posts


-intro quiz

-fourm post check

-muller report 




-new fourm post leader/expections 

-talking about daily schedule

-going over us  map



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