9/9-9/13 Notes

9/9/19-Today the fourm leaders told what their stories were, we reviewed the people we presented for the test 

9/10/19-Today we took the quiz over our presentations, and started talking about our next unit

9/11/19-We talked about 9/11 and what happened that day and then continued to talk about our next unit 

Why did people move to the Great Planes/West-They felt it was what God wanted them to do and for farming,adventure,gold,cattle ranching, and sheepherding 

Describe a cowboys life-Lonely and dangerous,protecting cattle and delivering cattle

Describes the importance of buffalos to the Native Americans and how the buffalo were destroyed-they were mostly killed while hunting for food

9/12/19-We went over the unit presentation more, and said when the fourm post are due

How did the U.S. government deal with  the Native Americans-by making deal and fighting battle with them to take land

9/13/19-We talked more abotu the moving to the west

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