Egyptians beleived in the after life and in order for a person's spirit to make the jorney to the after life, they needed their bodies. So they embalmed the pharaohs (mumified). Body's organs were removed and salt dried out the body. The body was filled with spices and wrapped in Linen. The ka is a persons life fource and would leave the body and become a spirit, but remained connected to the body and couldnt leave the tomb. It needed the same needs as the living so food, water, riches, clothing, furniture, tools, and weapons.
Pyramids- The biger the pyramid the richer you were and the point was meant to point to the heavens/after life. People built pyramids because they beleived pharaohs were their link to the gods, so they could have a good afterlife. They wanted the spirit of the pharaoh happy.
King Tut was a significant King because his tomb was not raided so we could find out a lot about him.
I am doing a project on Anubis.
We discussed our assigned Egyptian gods and watched a King Tut's Curse video. It is beleived that it wasn't really a curse that killed the people that unveiled King Tut's tomb, but a poisonous spore that grew in the tomb and was wafted into the air and inhaled by the explorors when they opened the tomb.
Egyptians were amazing mathematicians and developed geometry. Papyrus, a plant, was used to produce paper. Egyptians developed hieroglyphics (symbols that stood for people/ideas. Egyptians learned a lot about the human body due to embalming (good doctors).
Rosetta Stone- A stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics, text in Greek, and a later form of Egyptian. This made it easier to translate.
Sphinx- a being with the head of a lion and body of human/other animal.
Harappan Empire- Name came from one of its major cities- Harappa. Located where present day Pakistan is. Economy was based on wheat, barley and peas and on trading pearls, ivory, gems, and copper with the mesopotamians in exchange for wool, leather, and olive oil. Harappan civilization remains mysterious because historians can't read the Indus script as it has never been translated. There isnt a lot to know about it other than early civilizations.
The Indus river supplies rich soil, suitable for farmland. Indus river also allowed people to tame and raise animals like sheep.
City Organiztions- City walls, a large granary and a cinadel (highest point the people went to to defend themselves) protected the two major cities. Nearly all the houses had indoor plumbing with showers and toilets which fed into the cities sewer system. There was also a public bath at Mohenjo-Daro.
Major cities were planned before they were built. Standardization was stressed.
The Harappan Empire was a very peaceful civilization and not much has really been found weapon-wise. They avoided war for 2000 years. Ultimately, they were taken over in the end because they were too peaceful and were taken advantage of. (probably by Arians) Deforestesation may have also ruined farm lands and starved them. Other natural disasters are suspected like a catistrophic earthquake or fire.
Ming Dynasty are the ones that built the Great Wall of China
China- Flooding rivers left behind fertile silt/soil for farming. in 7000 BCE and farmers grew rice along the rivers. (millet and wheat were also common). The chinese used bows and arrows to hunt. They domesticated animals like pigs and sheep. Burials were like Egyptians with tombs filled with objects (wealthy were buried with jade).
Shang Dynasty- Took over China in 1600 BCE. The class went from... King-Nobles-Warriors Leaders-Artisans-Farmers-Slaves. They farmed millet, wheat, barley, and rice. They grew silkworms, dogs, pigs, and sheep. They had accomplished metal workers and craftsmen. The Legend of Silk- A 14 year old queen of China saw a worm spin its cocoon and dropped the cocoon in boiling water and watched it break into threads. The thread was then used to sew a create silk garments.
Chinese Writing System- more than 2000 symbols were used to describe toughts and ideas
Religion- The Shang Dynasty was polytheistic. Ancestor worship began in this time period.
Terracotta Army- A terracotta army (8,000) made to defend Emeror Qin Shi Huang in the after life thousands of years ago.
The Zou Dynasty- longest in Chinese History. They were skilled fighters and farmers.
Mandate of heavan- After the Zhou defeated the Shang Dynasty, they had to get the people to accept them as the new leaders. They claimed that heavan granted the emperors the right to rule based on their ability to govern well and fairly. The overthrow of a ruler meant he had lost the Mandate of Heaven because he was no longer worthy of it.
Confucianism- It is not religion, but an ethical code of morals for individuals, society, and government. Primary goals: order, harmony, peace, and happiness on earth. Achieved through education, self-effort, and self-reflection. Confucianism's Five Relationships. Most important principles deal with the deal with the ideal standard of conduct that controls social action. Parent-Child: Kindness in the father and obediance in the son. Husband-wife: Righteous behavior in the husband and obediance in the wife. Elder sibling-younger sibling: gentility in the eldest brother and humility and respect in the younger. Elder friend-younger friend: humane consideration in elders and deference in juniors. Ruler-subject: benevolence in rulers and loyalty of ministers and subjects.