9/16/19- Indians owns everything then lost it all. Reservations. 23,000 acres are owned by indians. Dawes Act, gave land to Native American familiies(160 acres), ended tribal ownership of land, Those that agree to this will be granted US citizenship, Goal was to "Americacnize" Native-Americans and help them get out of poverty, Native-Americans lost much of their land as excess was opened to white settlement, Not required but the other option was not good. Indian Reorganization Act gave back land to tribe. Life on great plain struggled. lonely, bad weather, grosshopper pleague
9/17/19- Hard work. Native American attacks were common but low number of caualties. Lack of trees. Railroads prices and debt, Railroads charged farmers high prices due to lack of competition. Many farmers mortgaged their farms to buy more seed and supplies. Crop prices fell due to overproduction. Grange is an organization in the US that encourages families to work together to promote social, economic and political well-being of farmers. Started after the Civil War and is still around today. Granger laws, Series of state laws passed in several Midwestern states- Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois-in the late 1860s and early 1870s. Designed to fight back against railroad abuse. Wanted railroads and grain elevators to charge fair prices. Supreme Court supported farmers. Interstate Commerce Act- first federal law that regulated railroad rates to be fair and just.
9/18/19- Populist Movement- Help farmers out of debt, give people a greater voice in government, increase money supply in circulation-Silverites, Graduated income tax, DIrect election of Senators, single terms for President/Vice President, secret Ballot, 8 hour work day, rescrictions of immergrantion
9/19/19-Industrial Revolution, Video Documentary- where were they born and rich or poor gorwing up. where they went to college. post eduction career. how did they treat their employees, did they run a monoply, did they donate money. Henry ford