Monday- We went over the western part of the US map. We also talked about Hurricane Dorian. The Taliban allowed the Al-qaeda to train there.
Tuesday- We continues to go over the western US states and capitols, and we talked about 9/11. Al-qaeda hijaked four planes, two hit NYC, one hit the pentagon, the last hit a field in pennsylvania.
Wednesday- (9/11) We went over some states and capitals. We did the class test on the western states and capitols. We also waltched a video on 9/11. Al-qaeda formed as a result of the war with the Soviet Union. Iraq invaded Kuwait. 2000 bombing the USS Cole. World trade center bombing in 1993 from Al-qeada.
Thursday- Talking about the effects of smoking, juuling, ect. We talked about how Trump is planning to get rid of the flavored pods. We watched a video on the Islamics.
Friday- We watched some of a democratic debate video on CNN. We talked about getting rid of assult weapons, and the mandatory buy back. We also watched a video on how this asian wants to give 1,000 dollars to an american families every weekend.