Dynasties- Narmer began the first ruling dynasty of egypt
A dynasty is a group of rulers from the same family
Egypt was ruled by 31 different dynasties
- These dynasties are divided into three separate “kingdoms”
The old kingdom-2649 -2150 BCE
The Middle Kingdom-2030-1640 BCE
The New kingdom-1550-1070 BCE
Life After Death
- The Egyptians believed in an afterlife
- In order for a person’s spirit to make their journey to the afterlife, they needed their body
- To protect the pharaoh's body,they were embalmed
- The Body’s organs were removed and then salt would be used to dry out and preserve the body
The Ka
- Left the body and became a spirit
- Remained connected to the body and could not leave the burial site
- Had the same needs as when the person was living
People filled the tomb with:
- Furniture
- Clothing
- Tools
- Jewelry
- Weapons
The Pyramids
- Huge stone tombs for kings with four triangle-shaped walls that met in a point at the top
- The greater the Pharaoh the bigger the Pyramid
- The shape pointing to the sky was symbolized the journey to the afterlife
- People believed the Pharaoh was their link to the gods & their afterlives
The Middle Kingdoms
- During the Middle Kingdoms, pharaohs quit building pyramids and instead were buried in tombs.
King Tut
- Tutankhamen became pharaoh at the age of 10
- Tut ruled for nine years old before he died
- Tut tomb discovered by howard carter in 1920
- The tomb had is mummy and other treasures
The End of the New Kingdom
- By 1150 BCE, Egypt only consisted of the nile river valley
Eqyptian Advancements
- Early Egyptians developed geometry
- Papyrus,a plant,was used to produce paper
- The Egyptians developed hieroglyphics, which were symbols that stood for objects and ideas
- Due to embalming, Egyptians learned a great deal about the human body and Eqyptian doctors used herbs and drugs to treat illness.
The Rosetta Stone
- A stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics
- Found by a french soldier in 1799
- Included hieroglyphics, Text in Greek and a later form of Eqyptian
The Harappan Civilization
Harappan Empire
- Name came from one of its major cities-Harappa
- Located where present day Pakistan is
- Economy was based on wheat, barley and peas, and on trading pearls,ivory, gems and copper with the Mesopotaminans in exchange for wool, leather and olive oil
- The indus river deposited rich soil across its floodplain, allowing for agriculture-floods were predictable.
- Indus river people also domesticated poultry,sheep, and goats and grew cotton by- 5000 B.C.E
City Organization
- There were city walls, a large granary, and a fortified citadel in each of the two major cities
- Nearly all houses had indoor plumbing with showers and toilets which fed into a city sewer system
- There was also a large public bath Mohenjo-Daro
Peaceful Harappans
- Nothing has really been found so the following is generally believed to be true:
- Very peaceful civilzation
- Avoided war for over 2000 years
- Had very few soldiers or weapons
Decline Of Harappa
- Another explanation- That outsiders invaded and destroyed them
- Another explantation- A earthquake destroyed them
Qin Dynasty
- Chinese civilization began around the area between the two rivers, the Yangtze and the Hunag Ye
- China was separated from the Indians subcontinent by the himalayas & separated from most of Asia by deserts
- Flooding river left behind fertile silt that was perfect for farming
- By 7000 BCE, farmers grew rice along the rivers
- The Chinese also fished and hunted with bows and arrows
- They domesticated animals such as pigs and sheep
- Large towns grew along the Huang He River
Shang Dynasty
- Took over China in 1600 BCE
- Ruled China for about 700 years
- Took over 1800 city-states
- They divided their government into little areas controlled by loyal governors
- They farmed millet,wheat,barley and rice
- They grew silkworms, dogs, pigs and sheep
Chinese Writing System
- More than 2000 symbols to express words or ideas
- Today's chinese symbols are still based on the shang dynasty symbols
- The Shang Dynasty was polytheistic
- Ancestor worship began in this period, as did the sacrifices to the gods
The Zhou Dynasty
- The longest lasting Dynasty in Chinese history-900 years
- Nomadic farmers settled near the Shang Dynasty’s kingdom
- They were skilled fighters and farmers
- They used iron weapons
Mandate of Heaven
- After the Zhou defeated the Shang Dynasty, they had to get to the people to accept them as then as the new leaders.
- They claimed that heaven granted the emperors the right to rule based on their ability to govern well and fairly
- The overthrow of ruler meant he had lost the Mandate of Heaven because he was no longer worthy of it.
Kung Fu Tzu- Confucius
- Believed society should be like family with everyone having roles and responsibilities
- Wanted a return to ethics-moral values of the ancients
- It is not a religion, but an ethical code of morals for individuals, society, and government
- Primary goals: order, harmony, peace and happiness on earth
- Achieved through education, self effort, and self reflection
Confucianism Five Relationship
- Parent Child- kindness in the father and obedience in the son
- Husband-wife- righteous behavior in husband and obedience in the wife
- Elder siblings-younger siblings: gentility in the eldest brother and humility and respect in the younger
- Elder friend-younger friend:humane consideration in elders and deference in juniors
- Ruler-subject: benevolence in rulers and loyalty of ministers and subjects
- Lao Tze was the founder of this philosophy
- He lived before confucius, but his teachings took longer to spread
- Taoism grew as a reaction to the spread of Confucianism and Buddhism
- Focused on achieving balance and harmony in the universe and your life.