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We discussed extra credit opportunities, forum posts, etc.

Hoovervilles- Many families lost their jobs saving. Hoovervilles were cities made up of cheap materials like cardboard, tar paper, glass, lumber, tin, and in extreme cases, people dug holes in the ground and covered them with boards. Hoovervilles were unsanitary and torn down after a newly elected president.

Bank Runs- People would run to the banks to get all their money back at once because they were afraid banks would go bankrupt and they would lose their money, which did end up happening. there were 650 bank failures in 1929.

There were more high school dropouts and crime rates went up.



What is the Bonus Army? What Did they want? What happened to them in the end? - They wanted adjusted Compensation Certificates and gave money bonuses to WW1 veterans. The people wanting the bonus bill to pass would strike on government property. The Bonus Bill was defeated in Congress, however. Even after the Bonus Bill was defeated, some vets stayed on the property to prove they still wanted this to pass. An attorney general forcefully moved the vets off of government property and shots were fired, killing two vets.



What did Hoover do to end the depression? - Hoover tried to improve the economy such as federal spending. He also helped in agriculture by giving money from the federal farm board to farmers to get them back on their feet. Hoover would pay farmers to burn or not plant crops, he would kill livestock, spill milk, he would do all this to allow farm prices go up, however, starving people in cities were angry about this. He also allowed Direct loans to banks so that banks could give out loans to people. *Reconstruction Finance Corporation* - Kind of like the trickle-down theory- Loans were given to banks so that these banks could give out loans and create jobs for people

How was Hoover viewed in the public eye? - Viewed very negatively and people thought he wasn't doing all he could to help the country and the depression.


1932/1936 Elections

Why did FDR win the 1932 and 1936 elections by so much? - 



What were some of the main forms of entertainment in the 1930's? - College Basketball (NBA was hurt by the depression). The NFL became popular. Baseball was still a big form of entertainment through the depression. Boxing was popular - Joe Louis held the heavyweight title for years. Track and Feild was a popular sport. Music- Swing music(More upbeat) and big bands like The Andrews Sisters, The Mills Brothers, etc. It was a golden age for radio. The radio kept people updates and connected America. Roosevelt would have his "Fireside chats". There would be stories and television show type of stations. Sports were also broadcasted. 

Men's fashion- Superman shape. V-shaped jackets. Bulky overcoats. High waisted, wide legged pants. Sweaters. Men wore Ivy caps, fedoras, straw hats. The shoes had rubber soles and looked like moccasins.

Women's fashion- A lot different than the 20's. There were more natural looks and a long slim look was preferred. Sleeveless blouses or short sleeves were preferred. Women wanted lighter appearances and darker blushes. Furs were also popular.

Most popular game- Monopoly was made in 1933 and was the rage of America. Scrabble was also popular as well as marbles.

Gone with the Wind was considered the best movie during the 1930's. The Wizard of Oz was popular and one of the first colored movies. Snow White and the seven dwarves came out from Disney and started Disneys fame.

Dancing was popular especially these dance moves- Foxtrot, Waltz, Jive, Shag, etc.- all a result of faster paced music





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