What were the main causes of the great depression?
Stock Crash in 1929 on black tuesday
- Bank failures, deposits uninsured, savings lost, no loans, lead to less
- Reduction in purchasing across the board
- Fears of further crashes, stopped buying items, lost jobs couldn't pay back
- Unemployment rate was 25%
- Companies lose money so they lay people off
- unemployment goes up and less people buy goods as income has dropped
- companies profits falls so low they have to lay more people off or close, cycle repeats itself
- American Ecnonomic Policy with Europe, smoot hawley tariff, high tax on imports, less trade, less ecnomic retalation
- Drought conditions, mississippi, no water, couldn't pay for taxes, farms sold, got no profit, dust bowl
-taxes benefiting rich trickle down theory
- agricultural slump in 1920's due to overproduction
Impact the Great Depression people had
-Suicide Rate went up, above 20% mainly 25-64 years old
- Dropping out of School, 30% of teenagers graduated, parents could not pay for school
- Major jobs, famers in midwest were impacted by the dust bowl, automobile factories were closed semi workers out of jobs
- Serves jobs increased during 1930 , more wealthy were not affected
- Selling Apples on corners, joesph sticker bought 10,000 worth of apples, gave apples to unemployed men, Popularity caused it to fail, streets filled evrery corner were selling apples
- Hoovervilles, were camps of homeless and employed, called becuase of president hoover and make him look worse
- People stand in line for bread and soup- breadline
1929 Start of the Great Depression, hoover was only in office in 7 months, unemployment went from 3 % to 23%
- Many waited in breadlines lived in hoovervilles
- Believed that our government shouldn't help people threat to capitialism
- Responded to this crisis by getting people back to work
- Established the PECE to coordinate the local welfare agencies
- Tried diffrent ideas to stimulate the economy
- Reconstruction Finance Coropration
- Congress provided the agency 500 million, empowered to borrow 2 billion for the survival of banks, farms, saving etc
- The 2 billion was distrubted slowed bankrupcities
- Most of the good done was erased by tax and tarriff policies
- Viewed as a relief program for big buisnesses only
- The Glass Steagall Act 1933
- Seperated Wall Street from Main Street by offering protection to people who entrust commerical banks
- 1 out of 4 people lost their life savings after banks shut down
- Prohibited bankers from using peoples money to pursue investments
- Emergency Relief and Construction Act
- Approiated funds for fedreal relief loans to new public works
- The public works provisions of the law proved to be a disappointment
- The 300 million relief apprioiation financed the first large public warfare in American History
- States hesitated to apply for the public works, placing them further into debt
- Despite hoovers efforts the public blamed him for the great depression, republicans lost control of congress and white house for almost 2 decades
- Franklin D Roosevelt bevame president during the Great Depression, World War 2 effecitively ended the Great Depression
- Manpower cut unemployment
- Unemployment rates dropped to below 10%
- 1930's Entertainment
- Popular dances- Dance Marathons compete for 100 of dollars and do it for hours, who could keep dancing
- Big Band Era
- Lindy Hop, Jitter Bug Jive, Foxrot Dancing, Latin Dancing, Charleston Foxtrot
- SHag and Quickstep
- Types of music, Jazz, Blues, Gospel, Folk
- Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Nat King Cole, Glen Miller
- Golden age of Radio
- Twelve Million American households had Radios, 28 million by 1939
- Comedians, Jack Benny, Fred Allen
- Lone Ranger, The Shadow
- Food, Kraft Mac and Cheese, Kool Aid, Toll House Chocolate CHips, Ritz Crackers, Spam
- Candies of the 30's - snickers, tootsie roll pops, 3 muskteers, sky bar, Marshmallow Candy Cones
- Friday
- Jigsaw Puzzles- handcut from wood, libraries had them and you could purchase them.
- Many lost their jobs to the cardboard cut out machines
- Movies
Movies were cheap to see, 10-25 cents only competition was radios
- Gone with the wind 1939
- The Wizard of Oz, King Kong, Frankestien, Snow White and Seven Dwarfs, Dracula, The Blood of the Poet, The Adventures of Robin Hood
- Men's were suits, Illusion of large torso, wide, padded shoulders, Tapering sleeves, V Shaped Neck
- Trousers, creased and cuffed, trench coat, wide ppinted lapels, belt around the waist
- Natural Waistlines, slim look, softly shaped, sleevless and short sleeved blouses, tailored suits,
- Basketball- popular in high schools, enroll in to college and play
- Track and Field
- Baseball was most popular sport because over radio, boxing was 2nd, people couldn't afford tickets, lost lots of money
- scrabble, sorry, monopoly, marbles was still very popular