Monday- Great Depression
-Stock market crash og 1929
- Black Tuesday (October 29, 1929)
- 2 months after original crash (Lost more than $40 billion)
-Bank Failures (9000)
-Deposits Uninsured
- Soving Lost
- No loans
- Leas to less and less expenditures
-Reduction in Purchasing Across the Board
- Fear of further economic crashes
-People stopped buyung items
- Lead to less production
- Lost jobs causing them not to be able to pay off items they baught
- More invetory began to gather - Unemployment rate reached 25%
- Less spending
-American Economic Policy with Europe
-Smooth Hwley Tariff (1930)
- High Tax on Imports
- Les Trade
- Less Economic Retaliation
-Drought Conditions
- Not Direct
-Mississippi Yalley (1930)
-Proportions that couldn't pay for their taxes or other debts
- Farms sold (No Profit)
- "Dust Bowl"
- John Steinbeck "The Grapes of Wrath"
-Over Production of Goods
-Agricultural slump in 1920's due to overproduction
- Taxes benefiting the rich (Trickle Down)
- Underconsumption of goods by consumers
-High Protective tariff policies of the 1920's
-Banks closing
Tuesday- Impact of Great Depression
- Suicide Rate went up
- Above 20%
- 25-64 years old (Mainly)
-Dropping out of school
- 30% teenagers would drop out
- Parents couldn't pay
- Major Jobs
- Farms Impacted by "Dust Bowl"
- Automobile Factories were closed
- Service jobs increased
- Professional works were not affected as much
-Engineers plenty of work
- Selling Apples on Corners
- Joseph Sticker bought 10,000 dollars worth
- Gve apples to unemployed men
- Popularity caused it to fail
- Hoovervilles (Camps of the homeless and unemployed)
- Came from President Hoover did little to help
Wednesday- Election
- Hoover (7 months)
- Unemployment (3% to 23%)
- Many waited in bread lines and livedin shantytowns known as Hoovervilles
-Believed that our Government shouldn't help people as is was a threat to capitalism
- He responded to the crisis (got people back to work)
- Established the PECE to cordinate welfare (President's Emergency Committee for Employment)
- Tried different Ideas to stimulate the economy
- Congress provided $500 Million to RFC
- Empowered to borrow $2 billion for survival banks
- The $2 Billion was distributed and slowed down bankruptcies
- Most of the good done was erased by tax and tariff policies
- Viewed as a relief program for big business only
- Separated Wall Street form Main Street (Offering Protection)
- 1 out of 4 people lost their life saving
- Prohibited banks from using people money to pursure investments
- Appropriated funds for federal relief lonas
- Public workd provisions of the law proved to be a dissapointment
-Despite Hoover's effort, blamed him for the Great Depression
- Republican lost control of Congress and the White House
- Franklin D. Roosevelt became president during the Great Depression
- Manpower cut unemployment
- Unemploymeny rated dropped to below 10%
- 1932 (Roosevelf and Hoover
- 3rd party (Foster, Thomas, and Reynolds)
- Franklin (Positive and upbeat approach
- Mad it clear (Fix the economic depression
- Had Experience as he was the New York Governor
Hoover's Platform
- Millions Americans lost jobs, homes, and savings
- Few republicans believed that he could win
- Very defeated not mant people believed in him
Roosevelt (Electoral 472 & Popular 37.4%)
-Historians believed he was upbeat and ready to fix America
-Anyone but Hoover coulf fix economic depression
- Everone blamed Hover
- Roosevelf wanted to try new things
Thursday- The Depression Party
- Popular Dances
- Dance Marathons
- Big Band Era
Swing Dances
- Lindy Hop
- Jiterbug
- Jive
Foxtrot Dancing
- Similar to the Western 2- step
Latin Dances
- Exotic Latin Style
- Conga
- Jazz
- Blues
- Gospel
- Folk
- Ella Fitzgerald
-Billie Holiday
- Nat King Cole
- George Gershwin
- Rhapsody in Blue
- I Got Rhythm
- Oh, Lady be Good
Golden Age of Radio
- 12 million American housholds had radios
- Comedians
- Jack Benny
- Fred ALlen
Radio Shows
- Lone Ranger
- The Shadow
Source of News
- Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
- Kool-Aid
-Toll House chocolate chip cookies
- Ritz Crackers
- Spam
Candies of the 30's
- Snikers (1930)
- Tooties Roll Pops (1931)
- 3 Musketeers (1931)
- Sky Bar (1938)
- Marshmallow Cone
Friday- Finished 1930s' Entertainment
- Hand cut from wood
- Libraries popped up
- Many lost their jobs
- Movies (Cheep) (Competition was radio)
-Gone with the Wind
- The Wizard of Oz
- King Kong
- The Adventures of Robin Hood
- Snow White ant the Seven Dwarfs
- The Blood of the Poet
- Duracula
- Mens'
- Illusion of torso
- Wide, padded shoulders
-Tapering sleeves
-V-shaped neck
- Creased and cuffed
Trench Coat
- Wide, pointed lapels
- Belt around the waist
- Natural Waistlines
- Slim look
- Softly shaped
- Graceful Lines
-Sleevless/ short-sleeved blouse
- Tailored suites
- Basketball
-Track and Field
-Boxing (Joe Lewis)
- Players' Saleries
- Football
- Rodeos
- Many board games from thw 30's are still popular
- Scrabble, Monopoly, Sorry
- Marbles